快好知 kuaihz

1. At the center of one of these glyphs were the words inner core spiritual values. 2. Glyph of Sinister Strike: Chance increased to 50 %. 3. This glyph increases coefficient on Lava Burst by 0.1. 4. Glyph of Rupture: The tooltip has been corrected. 5. My skin T glyph works bit, bit of dry. 6. Glyph of Innervate - Your innervate ability now has an additional 20% strength mana regeneration effect on you in addition to the effect on your primary target. 7. Glyph of Raise Dead - Your Ghoul receives additional 20 % of your Strength. 8. Glyph of Ice Block : Your Frost Nova cooldown is now reset time you use Ice Block. 9. Glyph of Conflagrate - Your Conflagrate spell no longer consumes your Immolate or Shadowflame spell from the target. 10. Loading a glyph bitmap with a non-identity transformation works; the transformation is ignored in this case. 11. Glyph of Crusader Strike - Your Crusader strike deals 20% more damage when your targe is incapacitated or stunned. 12. Glyph of Blood Tap - Your Blood Tap no longer causes damage to you. 13. Glyph of Death's Embrace - Your Death Coil refund 20 runic power when used to heal. 14. Glyph of Icy Touch - Your Icy Touch does 10 % less damage but generates 10 additional runic power. 15. Glyph of Mind Flay : Now sets snare to 10 % instead of removing it. 16. Glyph of Lava: Glyph of Earth Elemental removed and replaced with this glyph. 17. Glyph of Innervate - Your Innervate spell now grants you full mana regeneration while casting for 20 sec, in addition to the effect on the primary target. 18. Glyph of Freezing Trap When your Freezing Trap breaks, the victim is afflicted with a 40% snare, recovering 10% per sec. for 4 sec. 19. Glyph of Pestilence - Increases the radius of your Pestilence effect by 5 yards. 20. A tooltip error in the Glyph of Sprint has been corrected. 21. Glyph of Icebound Fortitude - Your Icebound Fortitude costs no runic power. 22. Glyph of Icy Touch - Your Icy Touch does 10 % less damage but generate 10 additional runic power. 23. Glyph of Envenom -- Your Envenom ability no longer consumes Deadly Poison from your target. 24. Glyph of the Arctic Wolf - You appears as an arctic wolf when using your Ghost Wolf spell. 25. Scalable formats like TrueType or Type 1 use vectorial shapes, named outlines to describe each glyph. 26. It is possible an affine transformation to be applied to glyph images when they are loaded. 27. Rupture is much better than eviscerate, even without the glyph. 28. This paper introduces a method of on-line handwritten Chinese character stroke recognition that is suited to the needs of character glyph analysis and the practical algorithm is given. 29. In the shortcut menu that appears next to the glyph, select the Add Column item. 30. Some font faces thus include a table containing kerning distances for a set of given glyph pairs for text layout.