快好知 kuaihz

1 The bird is recognizable by its flattened beak. 2 The city has been flattened by heavy artillery bombardments. 3 He flattened his hair down with gel. 4 She flattened her nose and lips against the window. 5 He carefully flattened the wrappers and put them between the leaves of his book. 6 The storm flattened the flimsy wooden huts that the villagers lived in. 7 Hundreds of homes were flattened by the tornado. 8 With one brutal wallop,[www.] Clarke flattened him. 9 She flattened out the crumpled letter on the desk. 10 I flattened myself against the wall. 11 He flattened the intruder with a single punch. 12 Sales have flattened out in the last few years. 13 Our team was flattened this evening! 14 The hills flattened out just south of the mountain. 15 The rain flattened the corn. 16 He was totally flattened by her sarcasm. 17 Most of the factory was flattened by the explosion. 18 Tom flattened the crumpled paper against his knee. 19 The land flattened out as we neared the coast. 20 Papa flattened the creases of the map with his broad hands. 21 Her short hair was oddly ruffled and then flattened around her head. 22 The dog's ears flattened slightly as Cook spoke his name. 23 We flattened them 6-0. 24 Greg flattened himself against the wall to let me pass. 25 They flattened the flowers. 26 She flattened her nose against the window and looked in. 27 He flattened his opponent. 28 The hills first rose steeply then flattened out towards the sea. 29 He flattened himself against a brick wall as I passed. 30 Buildings within 25 km of ground zero would be flattened.