快好知 kuaihz

91, The Sightseer arrived to day well packed, well padded, and in superb shape to my somewhat inexperienced eye. 92, The automation routines provide accurate test results, even with users inexperienced flash point test methods. 93, inexperienced in modern methods. 94, Inexperienced auditors may need to approach systems auditing one step at a time. 95, Since an inexperienced person will take 2 to 3 hours to complete the slaughter operation, care should be taken to preclude long exposure to high temperatures. 96, Weak , inexperienced and friendless, they are eyed askance by even their fellow pulleys. 97, In one studio, a kind lady told me that big stations couldn't risk hiring inexperienced Gon-"G o out in the sticks and find a small station that'll give you a chance, "she said. 98, They anticipated it to be Irvine, the inexperienced Oxford graduate who had possibly fallen, dropping his ice axe on the icy slabs of Everest's North Face. 99, In one studio, a kind lady told me that big stations couldn't risk hiring an inexperienced person. 100, Being ignorant, raw, and inexperienced, I thought I loved her. 101, The work is easy an expert, whereas it is difficult an inexperienced person. 102, Many inexperienced product managers have little if any background in any sort of market research techniques. 103, The interchange of the optical fiber guide light needle and the needle core of a retainable needle are not needed when in use, and the blood efflux because of inexperienced operation can be avoided. 104, He is all but unmarketable as a manager, inexperienced, and has little hope of attracting the top players that we need to have in order for Kenyon to be able to market us effectively. 105, Multimedia Displayer is an easy-to-use professional multimedia authoring tool, for inexperienced and advanced users. 106, Inexperienced designers, however, frequently complexify their inheritance hierarchies far beyond the optimum. 107, The arbalest is a dangerous weapon and are sometimes considered inhumane or unfair weapons, since an inexperienced crossbowman can use one to kill a knight who had a lifetime of training. 108, It was an inexperienced, immature driver who felt that he was invincible, driving at night with a carload of kids. 109, I have also seen some very nasty accidents with inexperienced handler. 110, LaHaye's books have their share of quackery and pseudoscience, but that does not preclude some genuinely wise counsel to lovers--especially inexperienced ones. 111, The inexperienced young hopefuls were pushed aside in the scramble for places. 112, He then beat back Republican efforts to portray him as reckless, naive and inexperienced. 113, "Of course they are inexperienced, so there will be problems even in the first 100 days," said Yasunori Sone, a political science professor at Keio University. 114, Often graceful and manoeuvrable beyond normal craft, they require more specialised training as they are prone to mishap in the hands of an inexperienced Pilot. 115, In one studio, a kind lady told me that big stations couldn't risk hiring an 6)inexperienced person. 116, Investigators focus on whether an inexperienced 23-year old driver and excessive speed were to blame for a commuter train derailing in western Japan. 117, The inexperienced Continental Army was defeated on Long Island, Manhattan, and at White Plains, New York. 118, High-powered cars are lethal weapons in the hands of inexperienced drivers. 119, The plaintiff was an inexperienced investor who had wished to invest conservatively. 120, To some, marijuana is an insidious "stepping-stone " drug, enticing the inexperienced and paving the way to the inevitable abuse of harder drugs.