快好知 kuaihz

121, Some see him as too young and inexperienced for a dangerous world; others find him unattractively self-regarding and aloof; still others question his patriotism. 122, The bad news is that in the hands of the inexperienced person, it can be a hairy beast and damage your work before you knew what hit you. 123, Beware the know-it-all, possessive coder, and the inexperienced coder - Humble yourself when you meet these types of coders. 124, This can happen with inexperienced developers, or if you apply the approach too pedantically. 125, A youth , especially one who is inexperienced, awkward , or ill - mannered. 126, Only an inexperienced person could have made such a mistake. 127, The inexperienced sailor has not so far got his sea legs. 128, The monitoring on the performance of the sub-contractors was also inadequate, resulting in the employment of untrained and inexperienced riggers and signaller in rigging and lifting operations. 129, The inexperienced construction engineer ran into trouble suddenly when he found that the beams were too weak to hold up the roof. 130, He was inexperienced in stock jobbery and got his fingers burned in the stock market. 131, If your child is too inexperienced for shifting gears, you might want to consider the Burley Kazoo . 132, I'm an inexperienced programmer; I did not know the objective-C programing language when I got started, but it was very simple to learn. 133, Most men occasionally have poor or tardy erections and even fit, athletic, overenthusiastic men, as well as the inexperienced and anxious, may suffer premature ejaculation. 134, Inexperienced she was, she could cope with the difficulties wonderfully well.