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31. Materials and Methods Selective arteriography , including celiac artery, gastro-duodenal artery, SMA and IMA, was performed in 16 cases with enteric hemorrhage. 32. Objective. To describe the unusual complication of acute celiac artery compression after surgical kyphosis correction, to outline diagnostic methods, and to review the pertinent literature. 33. People use teff flour to make bread and other foods. Now teff is finding new uses in foods for people with celiac disease. 34. Some people without celiac disease say they feel better when they avoid gluten. But many scientists question if this is really true. 35. Objective: To evaluate the feasibility on treatment of cervix uteri neoplasms by laparoscopy with extensive excision of uteri and celiac and pelvic lymph. 36. Objective To research the angiographic anatomy of celiac artery in rabbit. 37. This kind goes up celiac ache alleviates not easily with spasmolysis agent and antacid. 38. Objective To observe early effect of two kinds of hypotonic colloid solution on celiac seawater immersion wound in field aid. 39. Objective To evaluate safety and effectiveness of endoscopic ultrasound guided celiac plex us neurolysis (EUS-CPN) for analgesia of pancreatic carcinoma pain. 40. PC combining girder bridge with waving steel celiac board is a new type of bridge structure. 41. Results More tumor stains, blood supply arteries and artery invasions were seen by superior pancreaticoduodenal artery DSA than those by celiac axis or by inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery. 42. Study Design. A case of acute celiac artery compression syndrome after spinal fusion in a patient with Scheuermann kyphosis is reported. 43. Hansen, from Odense University Hospital, and her team found that 33 patients had celiac disease, corresponding to a prevalence of 12.3 percent. 44. Methods:The celiac artery was ligated at its start point, and distal pancreas and involved arteries were resected en bloc. 45. There are multiple lymph node groupings in the abdomen, including mesenteric, paraaortic, celiac, and retrogastric. 46. Seven years ago, Anna Quigg was surprised to learn that she has celiac disease. She says gluten-free products are much easier to find these days. She buys teff and other whole grains. 47. Cardamon, which is found in India, has been used successful in treating Celiac disease, which is an intolerance to gluten found in most breads. 48. Celiac patients develop an inflammation of the small bowel in reaction to gluten, whereas there is no specific known autoantigen for Crohn's disease. 49. So we believed that it might be reasonable to exscind both thoracic and celiac lymph nodes while cardiac cancer resection. 50. Conclusion Open celiac seawater immersion wound could result in hypernatremia, hyperkalemia, hyperchloremia and hypertonic dehydration in dogs with hemorrhagic shock. 51. NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Celiac disease affects about one out of eight children with type 1 diabetes, and leads to stunted growth, according to a study conducted in Denmark. 52. Conclusion Neurolytic celiac plexus block guided by ultrasonography is a safe and effective modality in the management of intractable pain resulted from advanced abdominal malignancies. 53. According to a recent Mayo Clinic study, the prevalence of celiac disease has increased fourfold from the 1950s. 54. Results The approach of finding and identifying the celiac ganglia and aorticorenal ganglia was described in this paper. 55. Results:Blood supplied vessel of the 11 cases, 4 from the celiac artery system complicated with SMA, 7 from the branch of SMA. 56. Answer: Celiac pressing increases can cause heartbeat change. Can take metacentre grain therapy. 57. Neurolytic celiac plexus block ( NCPB ) is effective in relieving refractory pain caused by the abdominal malignancies. 58. Women with celiac disease are reported to start having periods later and stop menstruating earlier than average. 59. Among them, 12 cases were in superior mesenteric artery, 3 cases were in celiac artery. 60. Ceratin people are sensitive to gluten ( celiac disease) and must have a gluten-free diet.