快好知 kuaihz

1 Without sleep you will become a zombie at work. 2 I walked around like a zombie for most of the day. 3 One turns into a zombie in such circumstances. 4 You're like a zombie, to tell the truth. 5 The old man disappeared out the door, a zombie come and gone. 6 Only a zombie would risk a child's health by refusing to bend a rule. 7 I put up the antenna the zombie watched me from behind his clutter of uncovered food. 8 Terri, in the twilight world of the zombie, was writing the three words over and over again. 9 Or were they zombie bodies, specially bred and conditioned, and thus essentially unhuman? 10 Vologsky was like a zombie, existing on the outermost fringe of sentient life. 11 The scan interval for zombie process. 12 In the hopes of creating a horrible zombie. 13 In your head , what's in your head Zombie. 14 So he and his horrible zombie dog. 15 Hollake was everything that the Efficient Zombie wasn't. 16 Dead RisingDead. Nazi zombie mode in Call of Duty: World at War. 17 But instead of being a zombie or a vampire, why not trick or treat dressed-up as Wall Street's most infamous con man. 18 No. Casting Zombie on a Zombified character should cancel the status. 19 One zombie is let loose into this law - abiding scene to attack everybody. 20 He looked like a zombie the morning after he went out drinking. 21 He just sat in front of the TV all day like a zombie. 22 I only worked there for about two months, I was so tired I was like a zombie. 23 I got into the van and drove home like a zombie. 24 He seemed too depressed to do very much, wandering round the house like a zombie. 25 This is unfortunate, as chamber 2c is occupied by two unusually cunning Zombie bowmen. 26 Internet security issues include DDOS attacks, domain name hijacking, Trojan program, control of zombie host, webpage defacement and network spoofing. 27 Bug fix: Glow will be replaced by nemesis if user zombie class is Mirror Zombie. 28 Cannot access data for the desired output since it is in a zombie state. 29 From a film - maker's point of view, the zombie has many advantages. 30 It's the perfect setting for a key scene in the homemade zombie movie they are shooting with a "Super 8" film camera.