快好知 kuaihz

31. Who is acting Hamlet? 32. The famous actor is now appearing in Hamlet at the Grand Theatre. 33. He was cast as [ for the part of ] Hamlet. 33.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 34. He was one of many actors who auditioned for the part of Hamlet. 35. Hamlet was played by Romania's leading actor, Ion Caramitrou, to rapturous acclaim. 36. "Hamlet" was written by Shakespeare. 37. He got Hamlet in pieces, over breakfast. 38. In "Hamlet," the action takes place in Denmark. 39. Shakespeare's best-known tragic hero is probably Hamlet. 40. Hamlet kills his good old guy, as it happens. 41. Few bookings were as funny as Bruce's Hamlet wig. 42. Hamlet is Shakespeare's most famous tragic hero. 43. She sald Hamlet was a damn fool. 44. The final week of Hamlet was a roaring success. 45. Hamlet goes off stage left. 46. Hamlet was a fictitious character. 47. Prince Hamlet knows that his uncle Claudius murdered the king his father. 48. After a mile, the road passes through a small hamlet. 49. Both lived in Coahoma, a hamlet of about 1, 200 residents 10 miles to the east of Big Spring. 50. The leader has to know, as Hamlet puts it, a hawk from a handsaw. 51. It believes sponsoring 32-year-old Branagh's Hamlet will be a way of chasing potential upmarket customers. 52. Crouching inside the maize crop he began to work his way round the hamlet towards it. 53. His cottages at Blaize Hamlet blazed a trail for a hundred years. 54. Take a short diversion to have a look at it. After a mile, the road passes through a small hamlet. 55. Hamlet re-visited, or Art aspiring to the condition of group therapy for the chattering classes? 56. The cooking fires were smoldering when we reached the valley floor, but the hamlet was empty of people. 57. Every comedian wants to play a Hamlet and every Hamlet wants to play a comedian.Asrani 58. Archaeologists claimed to have found the remains of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, where Hamlet was given its first performance. 59. At the time of his writing Barrow was a hamlet popular for bathers and with two large inns. 60. Dozens of families in the farms around the hamlet have practically barricaded themselves into their homes.