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61. Carotid sinus and aortic arch baroreceptor reflex. 62. I have get a twin - lens reflex camera. 63. It is a simple reflex action. 64. Conditioned reflex, Mechanism of learning and memory. 65. Carotid body and aortic body chemoreceptor reflex. 66. Language is reflex, like Kung Fu fighting. 67. The DLX-218B is a straight forward, no nonsense 18-inch bass double reflex subwoofer with exceptional low frequency response. 68. Objective To review the diagnosis and treatment of the children's reflex anuria. 69. In pain patient groups, the increased EMG activity at rest and the reduction of the masseteric reflex amplitude were equally distributed in the pain and non-pain sides. 70. "Soul" is the instinctive conditional reflex of human sense organs, such as starvation, sleepiness, hunger, tiredness, pain, ache, itch, etc. 71. The SI-18BX is a straight forward, no nonsense 18-inch bass reflex subwoofer with exceptional low frequency response, available in black and white versions. 72. Functional training of defecation reflex was strengthened to reinforce the recovery of stoma. 73. "We now have evidence that brain ACE2 plays a critical role in baroreceptor reflex function and , consequently, in the prevention of hypertension, " says Dr. Xia. 74. One third of the population doesn't even have a gag reflex! 75. Plantar grasp reflex, plantar response and Moro reflex are three primitive reflexes that used frequently in infantile neurological examination. 76. Pupilary light reflex, Physiological function of rod and cone, Photosensory transduction mechanism of rod; Sound transmission in middle ear and microphonic potential. 77. Objective To explore the accommodation reflex time after two prior fixation periods in early-onset myopes. 78. Trigemino - cervical reflex abnormalities in patients with migraine and cluster headache. 79. Even some of their grandchildren will articulate this instinctive reflex. 80. While no man is doing to go that deep, it is easiest to beat your gag reflex in a position where your chin is high, your neck is straight, and you're standing up. 81. After intravenous infusion of propofol, the dosage of propofol required to ablate the eyelid reflex were recorded and compared between three groups. 82. The Contents include anatomical pathways of the acoustic reflex, various pathological reflex types and related audiometric test . 83. Injection of betamethasone in advance could effectively reduce cough reflex caused by fentanyl induction. 84. The papillary light reflex is elicited by shining a beam of light into an eye. 85. Vehicle twin - photoelectrical pointing system mainly consists of reflex light - tubes, a autocollimation theodolite and modulators. 86. Alcohol poisoning impairs a person's gag reflex and they could choke on their own vomit or inhale vomit into their lungs. 87. Hitting your gag reflex during cunnilingus, vomiting on a vagina, and subsequently causing a yeast infection. 88. Methods By using the disuse nerves under the paraplegic plane, somatic nerve splanchnic nerve reflex arc bladder function remodelling was performed in 34 cases. 89. B. Inability to swallow caused by loss of the gag reflex. 90. Do you know how to work the single-lens reflex camera. (SLR).