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1) You still need a prescription for estrogen and testosterone. 2) Estrogen is said to enhance cognitive function. 3) In the body, it changes into estrogen and testosterone. 4) For other cardiovascular problems, such as stroke, the estrogen users had a 73 % reduction in mortality. 5) About 30 years ago the estrogen receptor protein was first isolated from the rat uterus. 6) Another theory suggests that estrogen levels, which increase after ovulation, inhibit the release of serotonin in the brain. 7) Only the benefits of estrogen replacement therapy have been clinically proven: It guards against heart disease and osteoporosis in post-menopausal women. 8) But besides estrogen therapy there are no medical therapies known to stop the hot flashes and improve sleep. 9) For coronary heart disease, estrogen users had a 60 % reduction in mortality risk. 10) The same form of estrogen also prevented replication of the virus. 11) Older women can suffer bone loss caused by estrogen deficiency. 12) Estrogen replacement relieves such symptoms of menopause as hot flashes and night sweats, reduces bone loss and relieves vaginal dryness. 13) Hot flashes are associated with reduced estrogen production and the way the body regulates temperature. 14) Some breast tumors are triggered by the hormone estrogen. 15) Estrogen was given for substitutional therapy. 16) What mimics estrogen in the female body, SOYA! 17) Physiological functions of testosterone, estrogen and progestogen. 18) Estrogen is a known risk factor for certain women. 19) Objective To explore the effect of estrogen on the permeability of retinal blood vessel by ovariectomy. 20) No one knows why this association exists; fat tissue could contain more estrogen, which can stimulate cell growth. 21) After the second month of pregnancy, estriol levels steadily increase as the placenta takes over estrogen production. 344. 22) Some hormone replacement formulas now contain testosterone as well as estrogen and progesterone. 23) It may reduce the accelerated bone loss of menopause, even in the absence of estrogen replacement therapy. 3. 24) Because sebum production is stimulated by male hormones, severe, intractable acne can be eased in women with estrogen or spironolactone. 25) Objective To measure the changes of central cholinergic nerve system in ovariectomized rats and the effect of estrogen. 26) Objective To explore the changes of ER-IR and the ultra structure in the medial preoptic area, arcuate nuclei of early-aged mice treated with estrogen. 27) They cover the protective effects of lifestyle changes, diet, exercise, and estrogen. 28) Waist of abundant breast of the woman, fine, fat buttock is concerned with ovarian excretive estrogen. 29) This present work provides the morphological basis for the regulation of estrogen on the neurosecretion in optic ganglion of Scylla serrata. 30) I will take a vaginal smear to check the estrogen level.