快好知 kuaihz

turn out to be造句
31. While Bourdieu's self-deprecatory claims to priesthood and orthodoxy turn out to be a cover for a very avant-garde sociology of culture. 32. The problem may turn out to be much bigger than crossed telephone lines in the ether. 33. These anomalous properties of water may turn out to be of considerable importance in the preparation of homoeopathic remedies. 34. Second, Fed officials want to avoid a move that could turn out to be unneeded and slow the economy too much. 35. There are some flaws, however, in her behaviour that make her turn out to be not so impressive. 36. Still, the financing may not turn out to be onerous. 37. It may turn out to be a pleasant surprise or a not-so-pretty sight. 38. Maybe the age of leisure will turn out to be a brief and unsustainable interlude rather than a new dawn after all. 39. One might also point to the fear among many politicians of electoral retribution if radical measures turn out to be unpopular. 40. As he turned down the passageway Ian wondered just how true that would turn out to be. 41. All those stories about getting radio messages through the teeth turn out to be true. 42. Jenny's story would probably turn out to be more riveting than anything in a woman's picture paper. 43. No one can say at birth who individuals will turn out to be in our fluid society. 44. Or the item itself may turn out to be the kind of challenge that helps to revolutionize the world. 45. There are two arguments here which, on closer examination,[/turn out to be.html] turn out to be fatally weak. 46. For example, be a different gender from your neighbor because he or she will probably turn out to be your mate. 47. I think he will turn out to be an artist who is not the happy hedonist of popular reputation. 48. Costs were irrelevant. Which brings me to what may turn out to be the tragedy of this election. 49. Too often retired people will say that retirement did not turn out to be as they had expected. 50. What looks like thinning in a major unit may turn out to be something much more complicated in the smaller constituent units. 51. Bad or indifferent starters and main courses often turn out to be partly redeemed at the pudding stage. 52. In the long run, it may turn out to be a very profitable center. 53. But everything that came down to us that we knew about and checked out would turn out to be wrong. 54. A lot of them nowadays turn out to be coded transmissions from dope factories about five hundred kilometers out. 55. Garden Life could turn out to be the most valuable contribution to conservation we have seen for some time. 56. What we desire or want does not always turn out to be good for ourselves.Dr T.P.Chia 57. All further proof that Elvis' current Grizzly Adams guise may yet turn out to be one of his most interesting phases. 58. Hell, for Eloise, could well turn out to be full of fish batter, sliced potatoes and boiling fat. 59. The difference is that the poststructuralists put themselves forth as heterodox prophets and turn out to be priests of convention. 60. If the story did turn out to be true, though, I think he might be pushing his luck.