快好知 kuaihz

turn out to be造句
91. There is still room for human judgement, but it is judgement about what will eventually turn out to be the undisputable truth. 92. Yet history suggests that many of Mr Obama's expected moves towards big government, however controversial they may be, will in the end turn out to be permanent. 93. It might turn out to be that a harmonious society may divert from pluralism, and develops toward a dynamic harmonious unity. 94. Speech communities turn out to be too fluid and ill-defined to be seriously studied in their own right. 95. Instead, some of the statements turn out to be equivalent to the axiom of choice (AC), while others—the Boolean prime ideal theorem, for instance—represent a property that is strictly weaker than AC. 96. These things often turn out to be hoaxes — balloons with flares is an oldie but a goodie. 97. This isn't conclusive proof of anything, of course, but it's a nice bit of deduction and just might turn out to be true! 98. Besides classical logic, linear logic (understood in a relaxed sense) and intuitionistic logic also turn out to be natural fragments of computability logic. 99. And as your dreams are linking new memories to old ones, those associations often turn out to be a little kooky. 100. Unfortunately, most toads turn out to be as warty as they look, and magic kisses are harder to bestow than executives think. 101. No one is tearing up the Einsteinian rule book just yet. As physicists well know, astonishing results like this often turn out to be wrong, especially when they haven't been double-checked. 102. This is why somany strategic decisions turn out to be ill-judged. 103. If the observation period is counted by millimicrosecond, a difference in a second would turn out to be a ridiculous joke. 104. It's that almost every senior banker trousered bonuses over the previous few years on the basis of profits that turn out to be a chimera, an illusion, unreal. 105. They are sold for a song and can turn out to be worth thousands of dollars. 106. One day, the smaller the medicine cabinet, the more powerful it may turn out to be. 107. Follow your heart but don't let your possessiveness ruin what could turn out to be a great love connection. If you are too needy you may send the wrong signals. 108. With employment less than full and Net National Product suboptimal, all the debunked mercantilist arguments turn out to be valid. 109. I later some parts of how I looked, sounded, thought, and felt turn out to be unfitting, I can discard that which is unfitting, keep the rest, and invert something new for that which I discarded. 110. Dictatorship is a story about death of others who turn out to be you coincidently. 111. Burrows thinks that chthonian exoplanets may not turn out to be all rock. 112. The issue could turn out to be a major stumbling block. 113. And little did I know, it would turn out to be the greatest living arrangement ever in life. 114. Simple as it can be, air bubbles may actually turn out to be dangerous. Overtime, they may cause overheat when trapped in car engine cooling system. 115. It was possible that this would turn out to be something else, not the Turk. 116. She said she hoped the latest plan would work but admitted it would be a temporary measure and that a relief well currently being drilled might turn out to be the permanent solution. 117. Snow White could turn out to be a fairy godmother for Pinewood. 118. Mr Bannister argues that while the dearth of first-time buyers is putting the brake on inflation, it may turn out to be a boon for the housing market.