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1. She wanted tactical call signs, authentication codes, radio frequencies. 2. Weak authentication with low maintenance overhead and without patent or export restrictions. 3. The merchant can choose from several challenge-response authentication methods: smart cards or third-party authentication. 4. The message contains an authentication token that allows users to log on to network services. 5. Furthermore, public-key cryptography can be used for sender authentication, known as digital signatures. 6. Authentication in e-commerce basically requires the user to prove his or her identity for each requested service. 7. In short, authentication plays an important role in the implementation of business transaction security. 8. For example, users can tell the authentication server with which remote computer they want to converse. 9. You will need to provide your own authentication code. 10. C. Configure the new instance for Mixed Mode Authentication. 11. Create a shared directory that requires user authentication. 12. Any authentication code can be injected here. 13. Specifically, I'll consider message authentication, sender/recipient authentication, and non-repudiation. 14. However, connections to the database would use KERBEROS authentication. 15. Unrecognized response to authentication command. Aborting authentication. 16. Kerberos Version 5 authentication protocol, which authenticates network communications. 17. The units with IIS authentication filter example DLL code. 18. A deniable authentication protocol is proposed in this paper. 19. The best example is using a voiceprint for authentication. 20. We advise extreme caution when disabling authentication. 21. Biometric authentication is two - phase process. 22. Pass ISO 9001 national standard quality system authentication. 23. All of the caveats that apply to radiocarbon dating apply to its use in authentication. 24. This protocol is deemed insufficient for dealing with the needs of commerce, where strong authentication and message integrity are necessary. 25. The fingerprint identification has become one of the most popular, convenient and reliable personal authentication technologies due to its uniqueness and invariability. 26. Of SOAP, CORBA, and XML-RPC, CORBA has been around the longest and has tackled some of the more difficult issues of distributed programming: concurrency, transactions, security, and authentication. 27. It consists of the protocols of automatic key management, authentication and encryption. 28. He had purchased a painting in reliance upon the authentication of a well-regarded expert. 29. VPN consists of three parts: the tunnel, the data encryption technology and user authentication. 30. As we know, the encryption is the footstone of authentication and integrity control, so we introduce the principle of choosing encryption algorithms.