快好知 kuaihz

31 Ethnic minorities are continually scapegoated for the lack of jobs. 32 Sarah had been plagued continually by a series of minor illnesses. 33 On the chilly seas, Keats became feverish, continually coughing up blood. 34 I can't even walk down the street without being continually pestered for money. 35 A notoriously absent - minded professor was one day observed walking along the street with one foot continually in the gutter, the other on the pavement. 36 She continually failed to gain promotion because of her sex. 37 He was a rebel who continually bucked the system . 38 She is continually abusing her position by getting other people to do things for her. 39 He was continually dreaming up new schemes to promote and enlarge the business. 40 I had continually pushed my doubts to the darker recesses of my mind. 41 The procedures are continually revised?it is very difficult to keep up with the latest version. 42 The telephone has been ringing continually in the office all morning. 43 To spite me, Edusha talked of him continually. 44 Our records are continually updated. 45 Groups were continually dividing over minor points of doctrine. 46 Does not empty space whirl continually about us? 47 It snowed continually for three weeks. 48 It's like a dark cloud continually hovering over us. 49 Basically, we continually covered the brigade area of operation on a daily basis. 50 But the growth of the population continually undermines their efforts. 51 New tax havens New locations are continually being attracted to the role of tax haven. 52 Emperor Charlemagne was so obsessed with her beauty, he continually harassed her. 53 Learn the Net is continually updated and tastefully devoid of commercial content. 54 I used to have a boyfriend who continually confounded me by his ability to remember the most trivial remarks weeks later. 55 These aristocratic tribes were continually at war: the stronger drove out the weak. 56 I continually demanded my right to have hormone treatment and operations, to become a man physically as much as possible. 57 Consequently, the managers have to develop and continually update agendas for the work unit. 58 As success follows on success, the beliefs and fears at the core of high performance are continually validated. 59 This distinction is crucial, especially for entities such as financial conglomerates, which continually deal in information. 60 It is not easy in a country as hierarchically inclined as ours to continually question authority in a constructive way.