快好知 kuaihz

211 In the long run the dollar must continually fall until the current account deficit has been eliminated. 212 To work, your strategy must continually increase the number of people joining you in taking responsibility for change. 213 We were continually mending punctures ... It was really rough going on those jobs. 214 She cleaned her teeth every three hours and had Juicy fruit continually at the ready in case he wanted to kiss her. 215 With continually varied climbing it proves interesting and improbable to the last. 216 That is to say that every individual lives according to a highly structured set of personal obligations which he or she must continually fulfil. 217 A: To get the most reliable information, consult a travel agent who has access to continually updated fare information. 218 Gerald had asked his tailor to sew little loops into his tailcoat so that the Order did not have to be continually readjusted. 219 Leckie, who continually went splat in the mud, always seemed surprised that he did so. 220 Feare noted that where the capsules were continually submerged in seawater, 100% of them hatched. 221 However, that process is continually evolving and we are always looking for suggestions to aid its development. 222 Trapp continually makes these stupid plays, and he does little to contribute to the team play. 223 If a person continually inhales odorous air, fatigue sets in, due to the adaptation of the nervous responses to the stimuli. 224 They also blitzed continually on first and second downs, putting the Raiders in more predictable, long-yardage situations. 225 Time is a finite input to household production, whereas market goods can be continually expanded. 226 However, away from the cameras and microphones, the couple argued continually. 227 Unexpected events thrust themselves continually athwart our path. 228 The ICD will continually monitor your heart rhythm. 229 The large rotating fans whirred continually. 230 Interest is continually charged on the unpaid balance. 231 There was war between Rehoboam and Jeroboam continually. 232 He continually made little, chilling differences between us. 233 My brain is continually on the rack about the means of living. 234 Professionalism was continually invoked as the primary means of improvement, whereas amateurishness was mocked as a laughable relic. 235 Whether using break bulk vessels or containerized shipments, we will continually strive to meet the needs of our clients by bring world-class service to their doorstep. 236 This way of operation in which new life realms are continually created in the interaction and interfusion of the Dao entity and the De entity is the operation principle of the moral mystery mechanism. 237 Instead, their role was played by evanescent photons continually popping into existence around the strong pulse. 238 She grew cross and wearisome, snapping at and teasing Catherine continually. 239 Ever since a long time ago, the continually worsening of Hongze lake ecological environment is due to the evolution of the natural environment and human activity. 240 In troth, recently the bad news about teachers happened continually; even some teachers were hit by students.