快好知 kuaihz

31 Relief agencies are drowning in frustration. 32 The swim coach warrants the children from drowning. 33 Police plucked a drowning girl from the river yesterday. 34 He saved the child from drowning. 35 The typhoon sank a ferry, drowning over 200 people. 36 Many people died by drowning in the great floods. 37 I'm drowning in unpaid bills. 38 There have been more deaths from drowning. 39 The country is drowning in debt. 40 She saved him from drowning. 41 He jeopardized his life to save the drowning child. 42 A young man saved a little girl from drowning. 43 APEC seems be drowning in an ocean of jargon. 44 The girl was decorated for saving the child from drowning. 45 Without a moment's hesitation, she jumped into the river to save the drowning girl. 46 She saved him from drowning, but only at the cost of her own life. 47 attempting to save a child from drowning, she nearly lost her own life. 48 The crocodile killed its prey by keeping it under and drowning it. 49 He fell in the river but his friend saved him from drowning. 50 He made a vain attempt to reach the drowning child. 51 They were forcing her head under the icy waters, drowning her. 52 The young mother died in a vain attempt to save her drowning son. 53 It was sheer luck that we were saved from drowning. 54 Jack was drowning his sorrows in a bottle of whiskey. 55 In attempting to save the child from drowning, she nearly lost her own life. 56 The soldier demonstrated great courage in saving the drowning child. 57 Beach operators do not have a legal obligation to provide against injury or drowning. 58 The drowning boy caught at a rope thrown to him,[http://] but missed it and sank. 59 He pulled the drowning man from the water and gave him first aid. 60 I felt as if I were drowning in sleep.