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91. The main source of data is maternal diary records of the children's language development. 92. This judicial readiness to sanction rescue was revised in post-war years in the light of Bowlby's work on maternal deprivation. 93. The sensible diet and strict routine also did him good, but the surrogate maternal love was best of all. 94. Improved nutrition, poverty reduction, maternal education and better medical services have combined to halve infant mortality. 95. He inherited the honorary title from his maternal grandfather, William Harold Pearson. 96. The warm, maternal, caring streak which has characterized her adult life, was becoming evident in her daily life. 97. Maternal infection can result in fetal infection and damage and is estimated to occur in 0-1-0-5% of pregnancies in the United Kingdom. 98. Did the Lord ordain her maternal exile, or had Augustine bartered her pain for his purity? 99. The older girls seemed to feel quite maternal towards the younger ones. 100. Studies show that prolonged exposure to maternal depression can result in childhood mood disorders. 101. None the less, the London Bills of Mortality suggest that maternal mortality halved from 1700 to 1800. 102. I don't know if it was maternal instinct or what, but I just knew my baby would be okay. 103. To picture your daughter with two boys in the back of a transit van is not exactly conducive to maternal solicitude. 104. Lack of maternal love can have a profound effect on a child's psychological development. 105. She showed her daughter's picture with maternal pride. 106. Leigh takes a maternal attitude toward the Chinese girl. 107. Late maternal age has certainly been implicated in mongolism. 108. Results No maternal toxicity and offspring teratogenicity were observed. 109. Maternal abandonment causes serious deviant behavior. 110. My sweetheart is a gentle sika a maternal sika. 111. We analyzed the clinical pathological characteristics of a case of intraplacental choriocarcinoma in a term placenta with maternal and infant metastases and reviewed the literature. 112. The maternal Injury Severity Score, mechanism of injury, and physical findings are unable to adequately predict adverse outcomes such as abruptio placentae and fetal loss. 113. A baby tree shrew, on the other hand, receives perhaps less maternal care than any other baby mammal. 114. As George Bernard Shaw puts it, "The maternal instinct leads a woman to prefer a tenth share in a first-rate man to the exclusive possession of a third-rate one. 114.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 115. B. Maternal position. The mother is usually placed in the dorsal lithotomy position with left lateral tilt. 116. They can, however, generate "uniparental" embryonic stem cell lines. Uniparental embryos with two maternal sets of chromosomes are known as parthenogenetic. 117. Drabble considers that only maternal love can make it possible for contemporary women to obtain spiritual satisfaction, thus affirming self value and taking heart to live. 118. Nearly two - thirds of daughters-in-law accused their husbands mother of maternal love. 119. Objective To study the transfer of oxytocin across the single cotyledon of the term human placenta and the effects of maternal hypoproteinemia and fetal acidemia on the transfer. 120. She felt that he had escaped her, and was in the maternal nest no more.