快好知 kuaihz

print out造句
31) These queued pint jobs are being sent or will be sent to network printers to print out, which could drub the network speed badly. 32) You should never run a one-liner outright; always print out what it will do before you actually run the command. 33) Here, we associate three words with numbers, and then print out the value contained in 'Vivaldi', which is 90. 34) Do you have to print out a flier for everything? 35) You can keep, re - read and answer snail mail properly print out emails or anything from websites. 36) At the end of each session the learner is encouraged to print out a progress report. 37) A woman at a shopping center kiosk smiles at a travel ad, prompting the device to print out a travel discount coupon. 38) If you don't have one, write out the days of the week with one-hour blocks (or print out a schedule from an online calendar). 39) The program sorts an array of 10 numbers and uses the external C library functions puts and printf to print out the entire contents of the unsorted and sorted array. 40) The system can solve dimensional linkage, calculate man-hour quota, make operation drawing, and print out the operation sheet... 41) Its characteristics include fast speed, noiselessness, convenient usage and display multiplicity, etc. its shortcomings are only to look, but not to print out. 42) Print out a phony pink slip and leave It in their mailbox. 43) Print out a draft for me to look at on the dot matrix printer and if that's alright, print the final copy on the laser printer. 44) The system can solve dimensional linkage, calculate man-hour quota, make operation drawing, and print out the operation sheet and the process route sheet of a part. 45) You can get a computer to print out multiple-choice assessments, but you cannot get the computer to produce of assess essays, can you? 46) The C program below will print out "Big endian" when compiled and run on a big endian machine, and "Little endian" when compiled and run on a little endian machine. 47) Make sure you use the letter quality printer to print out those letters. 48) Now suppose I want to print out the date of the last day of the week of the month after the one that is 45 days from Y2K. 49) Here is a simple means of iterating through the graph to print out portions of its associated data.