快好知 kuaihz

31. She heard Fen groan his own unbearable delight. 32. The pain that crushed against her heart was unbearable. 33. The stench from the sink was almost unbearable. 34. The waiting became almost unbearable. 35. The smell in the streets was almost unbearable. 36. Without him, my life would be unbearable. 37. The humiliation at being caught would be unbearable. 38. The strain on his right arm was almost unbearable. 39. At first the hot, bright light was unbearable. 40. Sooner or later he would emerge from the woodwork and proceed to make a bearable situation unbearable. 41. Feelings and situations which some people cope with adequately can become quite unbearable for others. 42. A delegation of councillors is lobbying the Government because they say the noise is unbearable. 43. The heat and stench of the converted barn was suddenly unbearable. 44. If the spray hits the eyes there is almost unbearable pain and temporary blindness. 45. I could see the room beginning to spin as though I had had a dreadful shock or a moment of unbearable fear. 46. The prospect of Guy leaving, thinking the worst of her, was unbearable. 47. His heart beats faster and once a trembling goes through his slender body like unbearable expectation. 48. It spreads unmerited prosperity on some and unbearable pain on others. 49. Campaigners say the men were victims of the unbearable strain of conflict in appalling conditions. 50. The stench from the sink is almost unbearable, the sour odour of vomit, half-digested food and beer. 51. It doesn't step outside time, but accentuates its effects and brings them into unbearable close-up. 52. The stink from the drains is almost unbearable in summer. 53. Without the buffer of the trees, the noise from the highway would be unbearable. 54. Such a position is, psychologically and emotionally speaking, almost unbearable. 55. They were young enough to cope with the physical exhaustion but trying to memorize so many routines became unbearable. 56. The acoustics of an empty garage or any interior location intensifies the decibels to an unbearable level. 57. I am relieved when I get sick once again, just as I have before at times of unbearable tension. 58. The verbal and sometimes physical abuse that the guards have to take can be unbearable. 59. His swollen, inflamed face had become unbearable now; he could neither touch it, nor refrain from touching it. 60. The excitement in all of them was close to unbearable.