快好知 kuaihz

91. Gazing into eyes that were suddenly like warm velvet, she swallowed drily as an unbearable excitement flooded her. 92. Feelings and situations which some people cope with adequately can become quite unbearable for others. Social distress arises directly from self-image. 93. I have seen what a laugh can do. It can transform almost unbearable tears into something bearable, even hopeful.Bob Hope 94. Every muscle in his body was knotted with unbearable tension. 95. The predominant sensation is one of tension, which steadily mounts until it becomes unbearable. 96. If you normally insist upon and achieve high personal standards of performance the idea of not obtaining this can be almost unbearable. 97. At times the yoke of his vocation was almost unbearable, although there is no indication that he ever regretted assuming it. 98. By the time they had reached it, a thin bow of unbearable incandescence had thrust itself above the eastern horizon. 99. The heat in the tent, the pinched faces and the angry voices were all becoming unbearable. 100. Bowring's control broke, and he swung the axe toward the unbearable sight of the grinning face. 101. Film stars, such as Marilyn Monroe, are likely candidates, and the pressure of such a role can create unbearable conflict. 102. I got sick, as I so often had at times of unbearable tension, which delayed our departure for a month. 103. Without Westcott's moderating influence, Mathers's autocratic manner became unbearable. 104. Life has become unbearable to her. 105. His endless recounting of the incident eventually became unbearable. 106. To me moralistic films are just unbearable. 107. Life is too unbearable, I want out! 108. Not at all, unbearable would have been bearable. 109. I must hold out till the pain becomes unbearable. 110. It is unbearable to be always on thorns. 111. A moving song that floated in the street and at times is also a come-on, unbearable look for everywhere, all of the desire hears finish or hear again and then and quickly. 112. Arthur Rimbaud: The only unbearable thing is that nothing is unbearable. 113. Using the commons as a cesspool does not harm the general public under frontier conditions, because there is no public, the same behavior in a metropolis is unbearable. 114. It was a generally unbearable life, " writes the second year modern language student at a Paris university." 115. Two women are hungry belly, unbearable cheap voice of moan. Their foods were always eaten up by the big fellow, a women even unbearable low voice of weep over. 116. Dean Acheson, former US Secretary of State, side about 45 years ago that China's huge population was an unbearable pressure for all Chinese governments. 117. This is precisely how most people view their food choices - as unhealthy indulgence or unbearable privation - with little grey area in-between. 118. Gopher Prairie is a place of unbearable dullness, conformity, hypocrisy, and oppression. 119. It all gets thrown in together and then one person stirs this way, the other stirs that, and an unbearable stinking turd comes out the bottom. 120. Tears now come to my eyes unwillingly, the pain unbearable.