快好知 kuaihz

31 She spent months plotting revenge. 32 He fell asleep plotting to skip school next morning. 33 Eddie is merely reactive plotting device. 34 The king believed his advisors were plotting against him. 35 He denied plotting to kidnap the girl. 36 Data plotting above the standard curve were considered to represent uplifted Bunter Shale section. 37 There was a time when the provisionals sought to ride both horses simultaneously, fighting elections and plotting murder. 37try its best to collect and create good sentences. 38 It's as if there's some one out there plotting our destruction, watching our every move. 39 It was reported that he would be tried by a military court on corruption charges and for plotting an alleged coup. 40 He was one of twelve people accused of rigging bids on construction projects, intervening in union elections, and plotting murders. 41 The drawing style is rough and abrasive, the heavy blacks underlining the sinister plotting of Silver and his renegades. 42 No doubt they sit at the table, plotting and planning, making arrangements. 43 They spend far more time plotting strategy than they do wondering whether they should do the deals. 44 Reformists, closet-reformists and non-party intellectuals gathered in his home, feeding him their ideas and plotting against hardliners. 45 Griffith Park is replete with hiking trails, and Mount Hollywood is excellent for plotting future treks. 46 In the billiard room at Mentmore, however, an economic think-tank was secretly plotting reform. 47 They cluster around telephone boxes and the bus station, plotting to head north. 48 The use of graph paper makes accurate plotting possible - compare the tabulated results below and their plot in figure 14. 49 This is not, however the perk it seems, as clients were perpetually dreaming and plotting to stop dealing with Harvard. 50 Just this moment, plotting how not to leave footprints on her clean floor, she was at peace. 51 But this year nine of the top investment banks have been plotting ways to beat the tax increases. 52 Twenty years earlier he fled from an elder brother plotting to kill him. 53 They seem to spend as much time conniving and plotting against each other as they do in running the country. 54 While pretending to consider her proposals, he had in fact been plotting against her. 55 Safe for now - but who knows what revenge they are plotting against our next intrusion? 56 Instead of plotting each smoothed value as a point, a vertical bar of constant height centred upon the smoothed value is drawn. 57 After completing the magnificent castle, Hengist began plotting his mastery of the kingdom. 58 Contrived plotting, such as marriages of convenience, trite misunderstandings and mistaken identities, should be avoided. 59 When plotting monthly or quarterly data, graph paper ruled into twelve divisions instead of ten is invaluable. 60 Three men were charged with plotting to plant the biggest bomb ever in Central London.