快好知 kuaihz

61 Nevertheless, Richard declared that he had witnesses to prove it and Philip made a tactful withdrawal, secretly plotting with Tancred. 62 Where were those dark Plutonian forces when she needed them to aid and abet her plotting? 63 Cheaper flatbed plotters, capable of plotting on sheets of A4 or A3 size paper, can be interfaced to personal computers. 64 Under the conditions that usually obtain in receptive field plotting studies one further distinction has been reported. 65 But you and your gran are out of order with your plotting. 66 Greatly skilled at plotting the heavens and working things out on the old slide rule. 67 Another extraordinary tale says that Ra, convinced mankind was plotting to overthrow him, sent Hathor to kill them all. 68 The latent thought is the notion that Gloucester may be plotting to murder him - an idea too horrifying to contemplate. 69 While neither of these games will win awards for plotting or scripting, Duke has more going on. 70 The girls had been plotting it for a month in great excitement. 71 This permitted the use of arithmetic graph papers for plotting. 72 The prisoners are accused of plotting a coup against the Government. 73 Another use would be in a graph plotting program to accept the mathematical equation you wished to plot. 74 Two days later, President Daniel arap Moi banned the rally, accusing opponents of colluding with foreigners and plotting violence. 75 Smith was sentenced to 14 years for plotting to subvert the government. 76 Eighteen months later, Wei resurfaced when charges were brought against him for plotting to overthrow the government. 77 Never mind nature taking its course, it sounds as though you're plotting to seduce him. 78 In 1998 Brown started plotting the route to the next election, fixed already in his mind as May 2001. 79 The defendants were found guilty of plotting to overthrow the monarchy and threatening the security of the state. 80 Although accused of plotting to overthrow the state, they were released in September. 81 No officer convicted of plotting against him met his end at the hands of the firing squad. 82 These goals are the guiding buoys for firms plotting their course in the turbulent waters of electronic commerce. 83 The plotting of frequency distributions of particular size ratios provides peaks which represent preferred forms. 84 These groups have also been accused of plotting to trigger more race riots in Oldham and Bradford. 85 If he had kept his mouth shut I would still be eating rancid meat and plotting my own way out of Paris. 86 That morning Branson was inundated by telephone calls from his colleagues, accusing him of plotting to destroy them. 87 The Chicago settings are authentically bleak and the plotting subtle and incisive. 88 At the end of August Kerensky abruptly denounced Kornilov for plotting to overthrow the government. 89 It is Lachlan, eaten up by jealousy, who is plotting against my heir. 90 For plotting a course you had to have an accurate speedometer.