快好知 kuaihz

91, A fruitless correspondence between Paton and Henderson was carried on throughout July 1931. 92, Presidential families have gone to great lengths before to preserve the privacy of their personal correspondence. 93, Most days I lunched alone at my desk on a bowl of soup while reading correspondence and scribbling replies. 94, No little red book, no reference to anybody named Blackman, no clippings, no cryptic notes, no personal correspondence. 95, Frequent correspondence from Charles Atcher had stopped abruptly in 1987. 96, It is a wise precaution to meet new clients, rather than to deal with them over the telephone or by correspondence. 97, It is the main form of internal business correspondence and the means used to communicate the majority of written messages. 98, We knew Malcolm had been really impressed with Hell in New York because they kept up a correspondence. 99, I agree with points raised in the correspondence regarding muscular build raising suspicion of abuse. 100, The response to that questionnaire, together with other correspondence and submissions, forms the basis of what follows. 101, With her was Nora Alstulund, her secretary, for she needed to keep current with correspondence and articles as she went. 102, Prolonged correspondence with the Department of the Environment revealed that there were no plans for restoration. 103, On either side sit attractive, dynamic,[http:///correspondence.html] rather intense young women sorting through heaps of correspondence and submissions. 104, He had a tendency toward hero worship and often gushed embarrassingly in correspondence with his heroes. 105, A fair amount is conducted by ministerial correspondence, a perfectly acceptable method in constitutional terms. 106, The supposed one-to-one correspondence between thing and symbol was seized upon for two reasons. 107, It even raised adverse comments within the correspondence columns of Gay News itself. 108, Only enclose the official entry coupon; no other correspondence should be enclosed in the envelope. 109, The official Singer correspondence course has now been operating for about nine months and has proved to be very popular. 110, In order to retain the one-to-one correspondence, it is appropriate initially to restrict the Bell-Szekeres coordinate x to the range. 111, Wherever possible the Institute attempts to keep the amount of correspondence to a minimum. 112, This is something that must be discussed with the client rather than be dealt with in correspondence. 113, Why do they express contempt for any correspondence theories of epistemology that involve attentive engagement with the real? 114, For families outside the local area, a correspondence course available in 23 languages currently serves 2,500 families from around the world. 115, They both signed up for a five-dollar correspondence course in how to make ice cream. 116, Settlement will often be accompanied by a Commission press release and a formal exchange of correspondence between the parties and the Commission. 117, Nkrumah managed to keep up a correspondence by writing on lavatory paper which he wheedled out of his cellmates. 118, They said it also violates privacy rights by outlawing some expression within private e-mail correspondence between individuals. 119, There was not, however, a one-to-one correspondence between these two subject subcultures and the selective and non-selective school sectors. 120, A mail reader program helps you read, send and organize e-mail correspondence with friends, colleagues and business contacts.