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121, Robin Dewhurst is unable to enter into any correspondence regarding holiday enquiries. 122, Internet e-mail is obviously far less secure than the postal system, where envelopes protect correspondence from casual snooping. 123, We regret that no personal correspondence can be entered into without a stamped-addressed envelope. 124, Most business people receive so much correspondence that it is difficult for them to deal with all their correspondence immediately on receipt. 125, A third stage coincides with the Bouvet correspondence from 1697 to 1707. 126, Through his worldwide correspondence Miller had gained tangible results and rare commendation from the Apothecaries. 127, She continued to go to the shop and had managed to clear the backlog of work and correspondence. 128, There is no straight forward and necessary correspondence between a political structure and the political functions that seem logically associated with the structure. 129, In such a system, visual and auditory linguistic signifiers are in changing, unstable correspondence with the concepts they stand for. 130, He stops at the receptionist for his messages. During the afternoon he takes care of personal correspondence and his reading. 131, The judge's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. 5. 132, Their right to withhold correspondence from the children in care must, however, be questioned. 132, Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 133, But the borrower must cooperate with the lender, particularly by answering correspondence and making contact at the earliest possible moment. 134, We began rifling through his personal correspondence, and looked around in his file cabinets for documents that might incriminate him. 135, Continuing a correspondence course is easy; finding another part-time degree may be less so. 136, He is also charged with taking a correspondence course at the University of California at Berkeley. 137, She never brought back her correspondence from the other place, either. 138, He is following a correspondence course in gardening for adults with comparative ease. 139, Now there's another element of business correspondence that could do with some attention and purpose behind it. 140, And so began a long correspondence and a friendship with his distant cousin in Paris. 141, Please note: We can not answer queries personally and no correspondence will be entered into. 142, The Library has an extensive collection of files for correspondence and papers on all aspects of the Department's work. 143, After Geneva, Reagan had established an informal personal correspondence with the Soviet leader. 144, Sabine makes the initial contact in a correspondence that flowers into an exchange of life stories and, eventually, hearts. 145, How pilot medicals will change I have read with interest the correspondence concerning medical fees. 146, The editor welcomes correspondence from all readers on any subject covered in Management Today. 147, He returned to Carriacou and qualified as a solicitor through a London University correspondence course. 148, Comprehensive index gives access to information on any aspect of business correspondence. 149, The archdeacon thinks that such a correspondence is disgraceful. 150, There is nothing secretive about the Ombusman's work, for his correspondence is open to public inspection.