快好知 kuaihz

61. Grandad died peacefully in his sleep. 62. The transfer of power was effected swiftly and peacefully. 63. There is a consensus here that the crisis will be resolved peacefully through negotiations, with both sides yielding something. 64. To peacefully persuade zoos and national and local governments to accept and promote our aims. 65. They freed their hostages, including the ambassador, and left the embassy peacefully on Oct. 7. 66. We are going forward step by step, and trying to solve problems peacefully. 67. She had a premonition that she was going to die, and she did so peacefully. 68. It was at this point that police initially peacefully and totally unsuccessfully, sought to persuade the protesters to disperse. 69. Why, after a campaign punctuated by sporadic Khmer Rouge attacks, was the election allowed to proceed relatively peacefully? 70. Emily Carr died peacefully in her sleep in March of 1945. 71. We too need to accept the responsibility to act peacefully and protest constructively. 72. The anniversary, unlike those of previous years, was reported to have passed off peacefully. 73. She couldn't even feel resentful that he slept so peacefully after she had suffered a sleepless night of angst. 74. The Home Office was willingly cooperating with other authorities to ensure the events passed off peacefully and with due respect. 75. The men, members of the gay rights group Outrage, paraded placards in front of the altar before leaving peacefully. 76. And soon after this military tribunal was ended, the circuit court met, peacefully transacted its business, and adjourned. 77. The strike passed off relatively peacefully, although 50 strikers were reported to have been arrested following clashes with riot police. 78. To disturb and shake a peacefully dying man simply to oblige your friend here who thinks he is a healer? 79. Many disputes that could lead to violence are peacefully resolved in our courts. 80. Noble landownership, the prime source of peasant resentment, was far from fading peacefully away. 81. Old Doc himself was moldering peacefully in the ground just as he should be. 82. Were people peacefully frying up potatoes, or were they hitting one another on the head with their frying pans? 83. For years, these people who are now at war lived together very peacefully. 84. The baby was snoozing peacefully in her stroller, so we stopped to have a drink. 85. Social pathologies abound, yet people are peacefully pursuing political solutions to the myriad problems. 86. On Dec. 4 King Bhumibol made a highly unusual intervention and called on the two sides to settle the affair peacefully. 87. She banished them from her mind and glanced back at Clarissa who was sleeping peacefully. 88. The voting reportedly passed off peacefully and was marked by apathy among the electorate of 5,200,000. 89. But they nevertheless peacefully suffered the consequences of their action - the ejection from their fellowships. 90. I sat peacefully at the Lopezes' kitchen table as they fed Janir some applesauce and bread sopped in milk.