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151. A statement from the museum explains that Shiloh will sport "Mom's signature pouty lips and delicate features" and "will lie peacefully inside a woven bassinet. 152. China says it peacefully liberated Tibet and saved its people from feudal serfdom. 153. More than 10, 000 demonstrators of all ages gathered peacefully in Madrid's spacious Plaza de Cibeles on Saturday and than walked uphill to Puerta del Sol. 154. We insist that the DPRK's nuclear issue be resolved peacefully. 155. Coke was arrested by police on the outskirts of Kingston on Tuesday, peacefully ending a manhunt for the fugitive at the center of last month's deadly raids in the Jamaican capital. 156. Before people discovered them, they must be sleeping inside the warm soil, just like a baby in the bosom of the mother peacefully, quietly and cozily . 157. The arrow drops the root ministry in western ormosia fir, robin Hood is in namely this underground forever sleep peacefully. 158. Though the Pequots had been living peacefully alongside the colonists of Massachusetts Bay and Connecticut, tensions had been building, and this incident proved to be the breaking point./peacefully.html 159. They are prisoners of conscience detained solely for peacefully exercising their right to freedom of assembly . 160. Election passed off peacefully with no reports of political violence or intimidation. 161. I had a major insight about the challenge of keeping our school-day mornings moving along smoothly and peacefully. 162. But then the Games went off as peacefully as an Edwardian field day. 163. PONCE DE LEON — A heterosexual high school junior sued the Holmes County School Board on Thursday, claiming she was prevented from peacefully supporting gay rights. 164. We wish relevant parties would settle the Iranian nuclear issue peacefully through diplomatic negotiations. 165. At present, rising peacefully has become a basic national strategy of China. China is growing pacifically , and for peace. 166. We highly appreciate the Arab Peace Initiative, which demonstrates to the whole world the sincere wish and strategic decision of Arab countries to peacefully resolve the Middle East issue. 167. Tobit died peacefully at the age an honorable burial in Nineveh. 168. Three geese sit peacefully among docked boats on the Frome River. Not far from here T. E. Lawrence (aka Lawrence of Arabia) bought a little cottage in the Dorset countryside. 169. I believe he meant he was skiing skillfully, joyfully, peacefully, and confidently. 170. Why would they want to cede power peacefully when faced with the precedents of Mubarak (trial and imprisonment) and Gaddafi (lynching)? 171. The clashes in the central city of Valparaiso happened after a protest march called by the country's main trade union had concluded peacefully. 172. Indeed, recent literary tropes suggest that vampires can peacefully coexist with ordinary teens in many of the world's high schools, provided they are sufficiently hunky. 173. Both sides expressed hopes to "peacefully resolve the Bosnia-Herzegovina issue " on the basis of a peace plan. 174. The predominant religion is Theravada Buddhism which, along with the common Animism practiced among the mountain tribes, coexists peacefully with spirit worship. 175. Khi Kwai, another prominent Thai political blogger, argues today's "judicial coup" could represent the best hope for resolving the political crisis peacefully. 176. So the people of the manor lived peacefully, and Lizette's governess taught her painting and piano and herbalism and manners, and her Grandfather taught her romping and riding and forestry. 177. Rubinius is a very well behaved C program in that it uses no globals or anything, allowing multiple copies of it to mingle in the same address space peacefully. 178. The brilliance of these idioms is that they coexist quite peacefully with each other. Any user can freely intermix the two idioms, or stick consistently with one or the other. 179. Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes helped several Latin American countries to settle border disputes peacefully. 180. In technique smooth, after the technique, returns to the hospital ward peacefully, anti - infection, immunity treatment.