快好知 kuaihz

31. We mustn't keep it locked away in the closet lest it turn to dust. 32. Sun will keep a low profile on the suit lest it catch flak from other Sparcsystem builders. 33. It is rising so high that makes us afraid, he thought, lest we fall or are cast down. 34. Sometimes, when it snowed heavily, the filmmakers were terrified lest she would not get back from London in time. 35. Such talent as Kim had should be harnessed, such men rewarded well, or destroyed, lest they destroy you. 36. There is indeed something vaguely McCarthyite about demanding every candidate sign a pledge lest they be denounced. 37. The calves must be roped and led out of the stockade first, lest the terrified adults trample them to death. 38. With six children to feed she felt unable to challenge him about his mistress lest he walked out on her for good. 39. They submitted lest they kill him; his death from the fast would have been on their hands. 40. Obviously he was worried lest they may have sustained some damage by coming into contact with my nasty hard ribs. 41. It was as if eyes sent messages that the mouth dared not speak lest the words put lives in danger. 42. Lest her neighbours gain the impression that no-one ever wrote to her, she wrote and mailed letters to herself. 43. Sun is believed to be keeping a low profile on the suit lest it catch flak for restricting the clone trade. 44. However, we should be wary lest use of such an emotive and pejorative term leads to premature dismissal of legitimate arguments. 45. She wore cream satin evening gloves, lest any hint of skin below the neck be visible. 46. Using a historical analysis, Nehring and Van lest provide a rather gloomy set of forecasts. 47. Polygamy is prevented by wives who resent sharing their husbands lest they also share his contributions to child rearing. 48. She pulled away from the window lest anyone see them. 49. She wore a nylon jacket to make the breakfast lest her clothes gets spattered before she went out to work. 50. But lest some unlucky event should happen unfavorable to my reputation, I beg it may be remembered by every gentleman in the room that I this day declare with the utmost sincerity, I do not think myself equal to the command I am honored with.George Washington 51. He found it difficult to sleep at night, anxious lest his delay might cause further tragedy at Godstowe. 52. Businesses are worried lest pushing things too fast leads to the adoption of quotas for women and minorities. 53. These are inherent weaknesses that are best exploited only indirectly, lest criticism backfire. 54. Lest anything should not be understood, each scene was accompanied by an explanatory sentence in spidery yellow paint. 55. Each peahen is on a treadmill and dare not jump off lest she condemn her sons to celibacy. 56. Much anxiety was expressed before the experiment lest televising would encourage showing off, bad behaviour or rowdiness. 57. Our culture also cautions women not to raise pesky issues of parenting lest they frighten men off-men being notoriously reluctant fathers. 58. Wary sufferers will have learned to suffer silently lest they raise stifled giggles rather than sympathy. 59. Jessica had refrained from expressing any further disquiet over them - at lest to me. 60. He was already worried lest she should tell some one what had happened.