快好知 kuaihz订阅看过栏目


1. Signal lights on cars have edged out hand signals. 2. He edged away from the thug. 3. He edged in a word. 4. She edged her way into the hall. 5. The Japanese invaders lost heart and slowly edged off. 6. She edged her way through the crowd..com 7. She edged the sleeve with lace. 8. He was edged on by a couple of bystanders. 9. Jack edged the dictionary in on the bookshelf. 10. France edged out the British team by less than a second. 11. The steamer edged off. 12. The climber edged slowly down from the summit of the mountain. 13. That forceful young woman edged out the former headmaster and is now headmaster herself. 14. She edged toward the window. 15. He edged me off the road. 16. On lap two, Baker edged forward. 17. We edged out of the crowd. 18. The beautiful garden was edged with flowering trees. 19. We slowly edged our way towards the exit. 20. A small boat edged down upon the big steamer. 21. She edged a little closer to me. 22. The old man edged the path with trees. 23. The handkerchief is edged with lace. 24. He edged the tool into the crevice. 25. She has edged herself into the best society. 26. I edged nervously past the dog. 27. Kennedy edged out Nixon in the 1960 presidential election. 28. I edged towards the door. 29. She edged forward feeling for a foothold. 30. He edged up to her.