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1, Anne chose an upmarket agency aimed at professional people. 2, Japanese firms have moved steadily upmarket. 3, The company has been forced to move more upmarket. 4, The island chiefly attracts upmarket tourists. 5, Many garment exporters want to move upmarket. 6, The place is kitted out in upmarket Italian cafe style. 7, An upmarket, superior quality twit. 8, A PLAN to build executive-style houses in an upmarket suburb of Middlesbrough has been refused for the second time. 9, Q: If Johnson Brothers moves upmarket, will it not encroach on Wedgwood mid-priced markets? 10, Certainly it is much more than an upmarket beauty treatment, as some would have us believe. 11, He goes back to buy the upmarket, hand-made works of art. 12, The move upmarket has brought with it a character change. 13, Metallic finishes are seen as upmarket. 14, As it moved upmarket, ICI became progressively less imperial , less chemical and less industrial. 15, ITV has set its sights on winning a younger and more upmarket audience. 16, But more than that, all the goods, and especially the innumerable varieties of herring, have gone upmarket. 17, It believes sponsoring 32-year-old Branagh's Hamlet will be a way of chasing potential upmarket customers. 18, The pair, hosting a Christmas party for their staff at upmarket London eatery Mosimanns, never spoke. 19, As it is, Siren is doing well with advertisers chasing young, upmarket spenders. 20, I was surprised when I saw her apartment - I'd have expected a lawyer to have something a little more upmarket. 21, To be placed on a planet was to move upmarket. 22, Charlotte: Charlotte is a wealthy woman in her early forties who views aromatherapy as nothing more than an upmarket beauty treatment. 23, The plan is to convert it into the ultimate upmarket hotel and hautecuisine restaurant. 24, The other kind of project likely to prepay its mortgage was the cushy upmarket property. 25, His first collaboration began when he was invited to invest in an upmarket Roux Brothers establishment. 26, Forte is expected to convert the Sterling, its first hotel at Gatwick, to its upmarket Crest brand. 27, It might have been the blazing fire in the corner of this very upmarket restaurant. 28, Andrew Logan's party, for instance, which got us our first press - a mention in an upmarket society fashion magazine. 29, Now the way I see it, you want more upmarket time than the plebs. 30, Yet there are signs that the region is ready to move upmarket.