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1. External validation of the teachers' assessments is recommended. 2. This validation process ensures that the data conforms to acceptable formats. 3. I think the film is a validation of our lifestyle. 4. Validation before linking showed that 92% of fatal cancers known to the clinic were also known to the registry. 5. The validation of our model using the same selection criteria was also mandatory. 6. Birthtales became an expression and validation of birth, an often neglected aspect of life in Western culture. 7. The Validation Statistics present totals for the various categories of results. 8. The closing date for the submission of full validation documentation is 28 February 1989. 9. Since the Validation program may take several hours to run, it is recommended that it is run overnight in batch mode. 10. This section then describes some validation parameters including accuracy and precision, random errors, calibration curves and noise. 11. If a validation error occurs this will be reported and the remainder of the inputs will not be validated. 12. This New Zealand validation system doesn't give you a chit of paper. 13. These elements, validation, approval and verification, will be applied at key stages in the operation of an award. 14. The various validation aspects and approaches are covered in sufficient detail and clarity. 15. Each validation control performs a specific type of validation. 16. Perform overall project design review and validation. 17. File validation error - mismatched guide package. 18. Invalid format of configuration validation request packet! 19. The display behavior for the specified validation control. 20. File validation error - mismatched logo package. 21. It includes communication protocol specification, validation, implementation, and testing. 22. I want to be in a relationship where you telling me you love me is just a ceremonious validation of what you already show me.Steve Maraboli 23. Many political analysts assume so, although there is very limited empirical validation of this assumption. 24. These procedures will all be subject to a further critical examination when the Phase 2 validation is completed. 25. Printed left are the next two logos for your TODAY/Pearl free Christmas present insurance validation coupon. 26. These changes are shifting the character of the dialogue between the course team and the validation panel. 27. All sources of conjecture are welcome, provided that science is then utterly strict about the logic of validation. 28. The current history line is the driving force of the payroll and is subject to very high validation checks. 29. Some evidence for this point of view is given under validation - sensitivity across the field of view. 30. Although our method of classification is novel and requires further validation, the main findings were unaffected by choice of diagnostic criteria.