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121, Minutes after her announcement, digging foxholes be-came a popular pastime. 122, The cherry berets made meticulous house-searches, even digging up the floors of some places, going into roof spaces with torches. 123, And so on that soaking wet winter day we began digging our trench. 124, Ranging from advice on digging a pond, the importance of the village bobby to controversial political and conservation issues. 125, These are probably latched on to by carp when digging for food. 126, By failing to provide stories for a significant proportion of the population, are they not digging themselves a grave? 127, Keep this in mind, says Reed, if you are working up a sweat digging your car out of a ditch. 128, If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.Will Rogers 129, He was not digging at all now but taking a breather, evidently. 130, Mitchell waited until they were well on the way to the processing plant before digging his way out and tumbling clear. 131, They have 2-foot interior overhangs to discourage climbing over, and 4-foot aprons at the bottom to prevent digging under the enclosure. 132, Stephen felt Weir's fingers digging into the flesh between his ribs. 133, Read in studio Thousands of live bullets have been unearthed by a man digging his garden. 134, She sat on the edge of her bed for a few minutes, digging dirt from under her nails. 135, Many different excavators, when digging up the airport, have encountered this odor. 136, In November 1987 they were up before the court on badger digging charges - one got off due to inadequate evidence. 137, I found two dogs digging in the garden, looking for bones. 138, In particular, they wanted to strengthen the law against badger digging. 139, Police officers from Faringdon and Wantage spent days digging the site, but no remains were ever discovered. 140, They felt like giants of desire, pleased happy monsters digging into pay dirt. 140,try its best to collect and create good sentences. 141, Badgers are quite rare in the Doncaster area, where digging and baiting is said to be rife. 142, We manhandled the formwork into position, digging out here and there to get it level in both directions. 143, Digging up danger ... half a hundredweight of bullets in a rose bed. 144, There must be a Rafferty son who could at least do some digging, if nothing else. 145, The Duchess of Finchley's Light Infantry was trapped behind enemy lines, but it was digging in. 146, He hissed those words under his breath, your friend, his fingers digging mindlessly into the clear plastic packets of prophylactics. 147, Aeration and drainage on cold, wet soils can be improved by digging in generous amounts of pea-sized grit and well-rotted manure. 148, Their digging has cleared right down to the gravel tidy - without it they would have rendered the undergravel filter quite useless. 149, An alternative to digging in the green manure in spring is to cut and add the material to the compost heap. 150, Lee Yafano and John Harvey both admitted digging for badgers on farmland near Middlesbrough.