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91, Boyden is digging for details about Thompson's activities. 92, Digging up dirt is the media's job. 93, If he was a journalist intent on digging up some ancient dirt, he'd come up empty-handed. 94, Rose was stooped over, digging up stones out of the earth with her fingernails. 95, The idea is to reserve the precious parking spaces that car owners spend hours digging out of the snow. 96, The digging and concealing of pits into which animals could be lured was an even greater mental triumph. 97, As the wave washes the board shorewards, the rig resists this movement by digging in and sometimes catching the bottom. 98, She crawled on the ground in agony, fingers digging into the sandy soil like steel claws. 99, He made music out of that hood, the rest of us watching and sipping, digging it. 100, Danny's filthy fingernails were digging into his neck and his one foot was treading on Henry's toes. 101, One whiff - and they raise the stakes by digging deeper into their pockets. 102, Soon he is digging like a whirling dervish, the impressive show ending with another frantic leap. 103, One dreams of making miraculous discoveries ... but most of it is digging and hoping. 104, She tucked the cross in under his thin V-neck sweater, digging her hand in deep. 105, Then we had to work out how deep we could actually go at various points, before we started digging rock. 106, But, as you will realise, the act of digging down towards the rabbit creates a lot of disturbance and vibration. 107, There were two fishermen on the beach digging for worms. 108, This is only partly because digging and operating deep mines is, in itself, extremely difficult. 109, Many people I know deplore the digging of these cant quarries and call them ugly eyesores and the rape of the country. 110, They feed on insects, seed and shoots, digging in the snow with well-feathered feet and burrowing for food and shelter. 111, Mr Hellyer was digging with extraordinary vigour, the sweat streamed in runnels down his dark, rather engagingly wrinkled face. 112, But it's like digging in treacle - you get nowhere. 113, The ground was frozen, and digging foundations was practically impossible in such drastic weather conditions. 114, Thieves are digging up corpses in order to steal jewellery and gold teeth. 115, But then he was sandwiched between the door and the floor level, concrete lip digging into the small of his back. 116, At the Desert Garden Hotel, the buffet line is digging into kangaroo stew. 117, The uneven ground around the mill was created by digging clay for brick-making. 118, Larry repeated, digging out some food bags that would get these men through Christmas dinner. 119, The most important thing to do if you find yourself in a hole is to stop digging.Warren Buffett 120, Liz yanked at her arm, and she stumbled a few steps, digging in her heels.