快好知 kuaihz

121. It also pioneered terrorist tactics that Fatah later copied. 122. The sign bit is not copied during the shift. 123. This rail technology was copied from France. 124. In long shady strokes Sargent copied the data. 125. ClassBook: Previous classmate book is copied. 126. A critical section object cannot be moved or copied. 127. In long shaky strokes Sargent copied the data. 128. When a normal cell divides, the cell's DNA copied more or less perfectly. 129. If there is an error and the sense data is required, the sense data would be copied to where sbp points to. 130. And on that parchment they copied the word of God lovingly. 131. The qualifying records (only the relevant columns) are copied to a private memory pool to be filtered by a stage-2 predicate. 132. Tape is expensive and loses sound quality every time it is copied. 133. Cannot paste the copied data due to data type mismatches or invalid data. 134. There were personal computers before 1984, but it took the Macintosh, which Apple launched that year, to popularise the icon-based graphical interface that others copied, kicking off the PC era. 135. Some believed that Dai plagiarized Zhao, while others thought that Zhao copied Dai. 136. Material copied exactly is supposed to appear within quotation marks. 137. The technique of analog video signal protection can protect analog video from being copied by recorder. 138. At lease the case is newly copied, and the blade is also doubtable ! 139. Objects for schema V8R2M5, and containing data, are copied to schema V9R0M0 into the source tablespace retaining the origin object owner. 140. Any material copied word - for - word is supposed to appear inside quotation marks. 141. Pseudo-random code is a binary code list that can be predefined, repeated and copied, have random statistical characteristic. 142. Donald carefully copied Brian's answers on to his own exam paper. 143. Note that all of the declared variables which will be copied using DMA are aligned on quadword boundaries and are multiples of quadwords. 144. Achieved the resource documents to be isolated from the installation documents, copied to the target machine. 145. If the above checks result in a valid schema being found embedded in the WSDL at the correct level, the schema is copied to the output logical tree. 146. Debit card bundled safe password, data encryption transmission prevention track card being copied. 147. In Copy Mode, it is important to note that extensions can be either mounted or copied into RAM. 148. At the same time, the fact that articles on the network can be easily copied puts the original sites in a very unfavorable position in network competition. 149. If the contents of the AL/AX/EAX register matches that of operand 1, then the contents of operand 2 are copied to the first; otherwise, the AL/AX/EAX register is updated with the value of operand 2. 150. In recent years, illegally copied DVDs from China have flooded the country, enabling citizens of the world's most repressive state to see how sumptuously their southern cousins live.