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31. In developing countries, the household average is 30 gram. 32. Do you bring over 300 gram of gold? 33. Gram is a metric unit of mass. 34. Rothia is gram positive and has obvious branching mycelium. 35. To interpret principle and sense of Gram stain simply. 36. A gram stain should be done to identify organisms. 37. Such words, Gibson and Si Biya gram achievement substitution. 38. About 1.1 kg of milk chocolate or just 146 g of cooking chocolate (which has more theobromine per gram) could kill a 22 kg dog. 39. The what food that dinner eats gram and ormosia boiled is more healthy? 40. The effect of microwave power, loadage and microwave power per gram on the microwave drying characteristic of germinated brown rice was studied. 41. The force that press a gram changes formal name to call methylic acrylic acid armour ester, namely " organic glass " . 42. The bacteria are anaerobic, gram - positive, spore - forming rods that produce a potent neurotoxin. 43. In Listing 2, I reopen the Numeric class (which handles both fixed and floating-point numbers) to add the gram and pound methods. 44. Rhodopseudomonas palustris is a Gram negative, purple, non-sulfur, phototropic bacterium, and is a metabolically versatile microbe. 45. Drug amounts registered between 29 and 850 picograms — a picogram is one-trillionth of a gram — per cubic meter of air. 46. Results: Incidence of nosocomial lung infection was as high as 85.7% with Gram negtive bacteria species as main pathogen. 47. Is there anyone who knows what a gram of applesauce looks like? 48. A heterotrophic nitrifier, named strain HN, was isolated from the greenhouse soil. The cells of isolates were Gram positive[/gram.html], rod or coccus. 49. A simple proof of positive semi-definite of Gram matrix is given, and several important conclusions of Gram determinant are discussed in this paper. 50. A unit equal to one gram calorie per square centimeter of irradiated surface measure solar radiation. 51. By Gram staining, Gram small Bartonella bacteria can be observed in the PCR positive strains under microscope. 52. The prostate is a gland, weighing 25 gram, below the bladder. 53. Septic shock induced by gram negative bacteria is the leading cause of inpatient mortality. 54. Hereafter, also overcomes Polish contestant Ma Wuge in the semi-final the thermal tower Austria Laney gram to enter the finals. 55. Is there anyone who knows what a gram of applesauce look like? 56. Gram - negative becillus. fungi, gram - positive bacillus , escherichia coli , candida albicans , guam - positive coccus accounted for 56.1 % , ... 57. Methods: 2038 cases of vaginal secretions of patients with suspected vaginitis were collected and detected by normal saline smear method and Gram stain microscopy. 58. They provide 9 kcal of energy per gram which is approximately double the energy provided by proteins or carbohydrates. 59. Results: The common pathogens in CRS were fungi ( 41.1 % ), Gram - positive cocci ( 35.6 % ) and Gram - negtive bacilli ( 23.3 % ) . Non - C . 60. RESULTS The special spore of P. marneffei could be found by sodium hydroxide smear of the liquid of lymphonodus puncture and Gram staining.