快好知 kuaihz

61. Booth gram tribulus display tremendous role, thus became opposite party to stare at against priority target. 62. The centimeter - gram - second electromagnetic unit of inductance, equal to one billionth of a henry. 63. PAEs induced by GM or NTL alone to Gram - positive cocci were longer than to Gram - negative bacilli . 64. A unit of weight in the U.S. Customary System, an avoirdupois unit equal to 0.002285 ounce ( 0.065 gram ). 65. They called this one meter. Then they chose one gram for weighing water in a cubic centimetre. 66. Gram - positive cocci were found in 12.9 %. Candida spp was present in 14.1 %. 67. Soya bean fizzles out year after year, gram is annual green. 68. The centimeter - gram - second unit of magnetic induction , equal to one maxwell per square centimeter. 69. However , plots receiving higher fertilization recorded higher yield of green gram after rice in sequence. 70. Vibrio vulnificus is a halophilic, gram - negative associated with serious wound infections and fatal septicemia in human. 71. Vibrio vulnificus, a gram - negative halophilic marine bacterium, is an opportunistic human pathogen. 72. No organisms were seen microscopically and cultures and Gram stain were negative. 73. B. Gram stain and microscopic examination of vaginal discharge may provide useful information. 74. Putz admits that the ball is on the light side of FIFA's 420 to 445 gram weight requirement, but says it is no bigger than previous balls. 75. A 3 - ounce ( 85 gram ) serving of cooked meat is the size of a deck of cards. 76. An enzyme level ranging from about 0.5 to 500 or more tannase units ( determined as hereinbefore described) per gram dry weight of tea may be used. 77. Chromium treatment significantly decreased nodule numbers, nodule fresh weight, leghemoglobin content and nitrogenase(acetylene reduction)activity per plant or per gram of nodules. 78. About 25% of the food items, including spices such as cardamom, fenugreek and chili powder, contained more than 1 microgram of lead per gram of product. 79. The 43rd minute, Barthel middle place Luweiao tramples maliciously to the Booth gram tribulus ankle area, receives the yellow card. 80. The bacterium infection strain first place is the verdigris pseudomonad (31.2%), next is pneumonia gram Reber fungus (25.6%) and the epidermis staphylococcus (18.4%). 81. To accomplish this, the program register, interval counter and pro- gram control chain of logic system should be modified. 82. The fruit of annual plant of Asian origin, the black gram, or urd bean, isa widely popular bean in India, Burma, and Pakistan. 83. Cefotaximes has an especially favorable balance of activity againstgram - positive cocci, gram - negative aerobes, and someanaerobic organisms. 84. Perhaps after the Egyptian colorful, gram Lou Pakistan Tela , is in the world the most charming woman. 85. Reach a gram to ride ashore a combat horseback of haleness, soft-voicedly complain, for have already become adapted to step combat of he to say, this how much some is like a molestation. 86. This article mainly introduces the methods and steps of compiling the pro- gram of step sequence controller by computer. 87. Last month, domestic gold prices move up to the zenith of 145 yuan ( US $ 17.9 ) per gram. 88. Results: Among 232 strains bacteria from 3024 samples , gram negative bacteria was 60 % , E - coli, Klebsiella, serratia liquefaciens were ranked respectively. 89. A gram Austria invents this kind of soap bubble then is the genuine belt color, these translucent soap bubbles are colorful, flutters with the wind just like each one ballonet . 90. Gram, steatitic , Bai Zhi, white monkshood grinds end apply face, use clear water every night or make up face of apply of delicate last stage of water agitate divide evenly, after working abluent.