快好知 kuaihz

31. He complained of a nagging pain between his shoulder blades. 32. She was always on his back, nagging him from morning to night to move to a quieter district. 33. She had a nagging/sneaking suspicion that she might have sent the letter to the wrong address. 34. I had a nagging worry that we weren't going to get there. 35. Lenny still could not dissolve the nagging lump of tension in his chest. 36. There was still one little nagging doubt at the back of his mind. 37. I don't think I can take much more of your nagging. 38. He's always nagging at Paula for wearing too much makeup. 39. My mom's always nagging me about my room. 40. There was something nagging at him. 41. Nagging unease began to seep into Delaney's weary bones. 42. Her constant nagging provoked him. 43. I can't seem to shake off this nagging cold. 44. Oh, stop nagging - I'll do it later. 45. But there is no nagging sense of anachronism. 46. I'm sick of her perpetual nagging. 47. But for a nagging worry she was fully recovered. 48. I wish you'd stop nagging me. 49. I sound like a nagging father. 50. Colin felt the familiar nagging pain behind his forehead. 51. Inside him there was a little nagging doubt. 52. It let out that high-pitched whine, that shrill insistent nagging squeal that puts a burglar right off his feed. 53. One thing the young unemployed need most of all is adults' help, not nagging. 54. Many parents think that the cultivation of manners in children requires constant nagging. 55. He had not knelt with the intention of justifying himself to the nagging voice inside his head. 56. My family's been nagging me for years to write down my recipes. 57. Ben never picks up his dirty clothes, but nagging doesn't help. 58. She used treats and kindness rather than nagging to persuade her mum to kick the habit for at least two weeks. 59. I have a nagging feeling that I forgot to do something. 60. It's sometimes worth asking that nagging little voice what is really the worst thing that can happen now?