快好知 kuaihz

121. Next time I have a nagging hang-nail, I'll just cut off my foot. 122. My husband is a nagger . He is nagging all the time. 123. A nagging oversupply of houses and record - low - builder confidence suggest new - home sales won't perk up soon, either. 124. A nagging oversupply of houses and record-low home-builder confidence suggest new-home sales won't perk up soon, either. 125. Interrupting what you are doing with slow scan times, causing problems and nagging you? 126. Its physical changes and hormonal fluctuations not only create mood swings and physical discomfort but nagging questions about self-identity as well. 127. Yet the nagging question remains: is taking the fight to the high, snow-covered passes of Pushtunistan a do-able strategy? 128. To dominate or harass ( one's husband ) with persistent nagging. 129. Babbitt told Zilla that she was a nagging, jealous, sour and unwholesome woman. 130. You will have difficulty listening to the Crab's nagging and negativity. 131. I was on my own in a two-man tent for our first night of camping. As I wriggled into my sleeping bag, the nagging worries began. 132. Nag's Law: the more the more the spirit of many nagging wife, the more words the less the more nagging the husband. 133. Instead of having a relaxing date with your partner you start nagging or nit-picking because you are just too tired of doing it all by yourself. 134. Give yourself the love and approval you want and silence your natural instincts to give into the nagging and negativity that can dominate your thoughts. 135. However, even such a nagging forms a close network of contacts, and creates what social scientist called "ambient awareness" through this kind of connection. 136. How, from a jolly, affectionate person she had become a harridan , constantly nagging at him to improve himself. 137. Once there lived a handsome young man named Ram Sing who, though a favorite with everyone, was unhappy because he had a sharp-tongued, nagging step-mother. 138. Do a housework workout. Whenever you have to do those nagging chores, do them with some pizzazz. 139. His extreme reaction won him a brief respite, but they soon resumed their nagging about his bachelorhood. 140. One of Darwin's nagging problems was to discover where this variation originated. 141. Yet beyond all this fun—and the celebrations of Queen Elizabeth's diamond jubilee—nagging worries will remain about London's future, as regulations start to squeeze its financial industry. 142. As if to compensate for that public role of helpfulness and deference, at home they're nagging and dominant, hypercritical, unhelpful, frigid, and unpleasant. 143. The problem of how to contact the U-boat on Monday had been nagging at the back of his mind. 144. I mean the nagging sense that the company will never be anything more than OK, just another ho-hum player in its field.