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31. With all respect to my old friend, I believe my aims and basic purposes may have gone a mite deeper. 32. The actor is a mite more cagey, however, as to his involvement with co-star Penelope Cruz. 33. But we both agreed the little mite was the spitting image of the man. 34. Many beekeepers have been examining their bees carefully for the past few years in efforts to find the mite. 35. Although the mite rarely kills bees, it weakens and deforms them, reducing their ability to make honey. 36. The prize, though, goes to the mite who offered to watch my car as I was filling up with petrol. 37. Pest problems Greenhouse crops are susceptible to greenfly, whitefly and red spider mite which all feed on the leaves. 38. Is nose itchs is long mite bug augural? 39. I think he was a mite annoyed. 40. How dexterously he handled the mite. 41. Though poor, she gave her mite to charity. 42. The poor mite was so ill. 43. I can't eat even a mite of supper. 44. Sugar is often not, raw sugar very easy mite. 45. Objective To investigate the composition and diversity of acaroid mite community in the house in Xuancheng area in Anhui province. 46. The lime tree too has its own gall, caused by a mite. 47. And we have carried out four kinds of animal experiments and the drug sensitivity test as well as antiseptic test of human body′s vermiform mite. 48. Hawthorn spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, Panonychus ulmi are the principal victims of apple mites. They are one of the main reasons which caused by falling leaves and apple production. 49. Objective To evaluate the efficiency of the sublingual mite desensitization solution to asthmatic children. 50. In order to detect MP, NP and their gene fragments distribution and location of HFRS structural proteins in gamasid mite, immunological histochemistry and RT-PCR were applied. 51. Green spiders and spider mite began negotiations, but to no avail. 52. The soluble powder:polythiocycloalkanes, has good effective on the control of pest insects such as two-spotted spider mite, cotton bollworm and citrus red spider mite ect. 53. Take my silver and my gold, not a mite would I withhold. 54. These eggs turn into ladybird larvae, which are among the biggest friends we gardeners have. They're ferocious predators on problem whitefly and red spider mite. 55. In chigger mite communities, Leototrombidium orientale are dominant species for all hosts. 56. With european red mite (Panonychus ulmi) as an example, the author inquired into the method of using 'insect (or mite) days' for establishing time dynamic EIL. 57. How it rebukes by its tough and equable serenity all weathers, this gusty-temper'd little whiffet, man that runs indoors at a mite of rain or snow. 58. These responses were directed only to the kairomone of the spider mite, its secretion and excreta (with the exception of the males). However, no responses occurred towards the host plant of the prey. 59. Validating the model for broad mite, Polyphagotarsonnemun latus and alfalfa plant bug, Adelphocoris linelatus the results showed that the model has a high fitting precision and good stability. 60. Scabies is a skin condition caused by a mite called Sarcoptes scabiei.