快好知 kuaihz

(31) I've got into the habit of turning on the TV as soon as I get home. (32) His collection of ancient pottery is turning one hundred pieces. (33) The vote yesterday appears to mark something of a turning point in the war. (34) His induction as a teacher was a turning point in his life. (35) The bracken was turning to the dusky gold of a fine autumn. (36) ASH, the anti-smoking group, called the new regulations a turning point in the campaign against smoking. (37) He must have taken a wrong turning in the dark. (38) I only take on work that excites me, even if it means turning down lots of money. (39) There is a switch on the wall for turning on the lights. (40) You're turning into a real old fogey ! (41) She was turning over old letters. (42) Try turning the key a trifle . (43) Pedestrians have right of way at this turning. (44) Take the first turning on the left . (45) I'm still turning the matter over in my mind. (46) He sighed, turning away and surveying the sea. (47) The team excels at turning defence into attack. (48) I was turning his proposal about all day long. (49) Do me a favor by turning off that radio! (50) The rain was turning to sleet. (51) His mind kept turning in an endless loop. (52) The chairman is turning over the documents. (53) He was turning the pages of the book. (54) The bolt and handle are deadlocked against turning. (55) Several students were turning out the classroom. (56) Many people here are turning to solar power. (57) She waited, idly turning the pages of a magazine. (58) We came the wrong way/took a wrong turning. (59) We must have taken a wrong turning. (60) "Sweet dreams," she said, turning off the light.