快好知 kuaihz

(61) The economy seems to be turning up. (62) The cutters are opened by turning the knob anticlockwise. (63) I got muddled up and took the wrong turning. (64) Turning the company around won't be easy. (65) I was tossing and turning all night. (66) She's turning into a proper little madam. (67) The promotion marked a turning point in her career. (68) This place is turning into a jungle already. (69) Charles was rapidly turning red in the face. (70) Investment is turning up sharply. (71) I'm turning the project over to you. (72) Neither nation is renowned for turning the other cheek. (73) the second turning/road on the right after the station. (74) It was a turning point in his career. (75) The wheels were turning swiftly. (76) I've been tossing and turning all night. (77) That game was a turning point for the team. (78) Take the first turning to the right. (79) He kept turning the central heating down. (80) Consumers are turning away from credit cards. (81) I'd committed myself and there was no turning back. (82) He is turning the engine over. (83) 'I'm thirsty,' she said, turning on the tap . (84) My mum is turning into a religious maniac. (85) The yen is turning up. (86) He appeared to be still turning the idea about. (87) Rose's hair was already turning grey. (88) Turning the car around , we headed home. (89) We are all turning our thoughts to the matter. (90) Take the next turning on the right.