快好知 kuaihz

1. He was anxious to the point of neurosis. 2. She got a neurosis about chemicals and imagined them everywhere doing her harm. 3. He may have some kind of neurosis or psychosis later in life.http:///neurosis.html 4. She's obsessively clean - it's almost become a neurosis with her. 5. Always a private dentist, because of my neurosis. 6. Another persistent neurosis for the county has been their running between the wickets. 7. In this respect the incidence of neurosis seems inversely proportional to social disorder. 8. In this case a budding urethral neurosis was nipped before it could really blossom. 9. The neurosis of humanity arose out of the relation to the father, just as it does for the child. 10. It is not surprising that NSU neurosis occurs in many cases. 11. This is what his anxiety neurosis is. 12. He is majoring in the treatment of medical neurosis. 13. Objective To explore the effective method for depressive neurosis. 14. He always projects his own neurosis onto his colleagues. 15. Insomnia mainly belongs to neurosis and involutional syndrome. 16. If you want my opinion, I think she's suffering from some form of neurosis. 17. Schizophrenia is classified as a functional psychosis and split personality as a dissociative hysterical neurosis, as different as tonsillitis and appendicitis. 18. Then, artillery was aimed straight at the psychoanalytic heart: at neurosis! 19. Expressions of pain as the examination takes place rouse irritation or accusations of neurosis. 20. He identified a variety of mild psychiatric problems, principally neurotic depression and anxiety neurosis, in 86 percent of them. 21. The price that has to be paid, in extreme form, is neurosis. 22. They therefore concluded that a lack of social relationships was a causal factor in the onset of neurosis. 23. Often, the end of their beaks may be cut off to stop the hens pecking each other out of sheer boredom and neurosis. 24. Failure to match performance to expectations has developed into something of a national neurosis. 25. The resultant article adopted a slightly different base subject, that of Morrissey's neurosis. 26. Describing everyone as neurotic makes any distinction between normality and neurosis impossible. 27. He suffered, like Vincent, from depressive attacks, of a kind now seen as indicating acute anxiety neurosis. 28. What for Camus was a source of strength is, for me, a source of neurosis. 29. The disorder is not a type of heart problem, neurosis, or depression, how-ever. 30. They did not have a higher rate of manic depressive illness or anxiety neurosis.