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211) At the same time, inconsequence of the insufficient export growth and consumption demand and government investment lacking persistence, Chinese economy will be at a standstill. 212) Dali was famous for his surrealist works, including The Persistence of Memory, The Face of Mae West, The Metamorphosis of Narcissus and The Temptation of St. Anthony. 213) App Engine for Java seeks to take the worry out of writing a persistence layer for scalable Web applications, but how well does it achieve that aim? 214) Foods usually provide a good milieu for the persistence of viruses. 215) Additionally, more and more data is being marked-up using XML; this puts pressure on database companies to add XML storage, persistence, and query capabilities to their products. 216) Those that have appeared so far are my Top Ten Exhibits in the case for the persistence of our voyeuristic fixation on the not-quite-extinct dinosaur, Society Rex. 217) A day in a bluebell wood, for its sheer assertion of life and the persistence of a delicate thing, is worth two weeks anywhere else. 218) While long-term persistence in the lungs has been shown, this may not completely account for strictly extrapulmonary TB, which represent up to 15% of reactivation cases. 219) These discrete images will be perceived and interpreted as an integrated three-dimensional image due to eye persistence. 220) The Hindu rate of economic growth was in large part thanks for the persistence of the Nehruian policies under Ghanian dynasty. 221) Saturn square Pluto can indicate self-will and persistence to the point of ruthlessness. 222) Similar partition-based persistence solutions often require that a special column be added to the database schema to identify the partition identifier. 223) The distinct moral characters of this period are persistence and dauntlessness, unity and struggle, democracy and love, equality, enterprising spirit, courage, selfishness and honesty. 224) He also persisted in his factualism , and the demand, creativeness and interest of the public had become the main source of his right opinion as well as the power source of his truth persistence. 225) A similar example of using annotations to convey metainformation is the sets of annotations defined for use with Hibernate and EJB3 for expressing persistence requirements in POJOs (see Resources). 226) As a counterexample, Brown mentions a project using three persistence solutions: Spring, EJB and Hibernate. 227) Such explosives are xenobiotic compounds, being toxic to biological systems, and their recalcitrance leads to persistence in the environment. 228) JDO's pure object-oriented approach and simplicity-by-design lend it a faster ramp-up time than the other two persistence technologies. 229) There are several changes you must make to the Blether persistence service. 230) For more complex navigation, the Java Persistence Query Language also supports path expressions that can navigate using multiple single valued relationship fields, such as td.trade.tid (Listing 18). 231) These person's tempers which make sale are again good, and still have persistence heart very much, no matter how you scold, how refuse to listen to, they be still arduously telephone dozen come over. 232) But only one reminds me of the courage and persistence it takes to stay the course in the Shadowland. 233) Persistence of vision causes visual impressions to continue upon the retina for a brief time. 234) Success is the result of perfection, hand work, learning from failure, loyalty and persistence. 235) Effects of microorganism and environmental factors on persistence of acetochlor in soils were studied by bioassay using Echinochloa crusgalli. 236) It may take sacrifice, surrender of thought, accountability and persistence. 237) She'd find him with persistence, as long as he hadn't any new tricks up his sleeve.