快好知 kuaihz

1. The encyclopedia thudded onto the floor. 2. I looked the Civil War up in my encyclopedia. 3. The new encyclopedia runs to several thousand pages. 4. You will find the explanation in the encyclopedia. 5. The encyclopedia fell to the floor with a thud. 6. The new edition of encyclopedia will appear in the bookstores next week. 7. This encyclopedia is truly a compendium of knowledge. 8. There are over 20,000 entries in the encyclopedia. 9. Here are two odd volumes of an encyclopedia. 10. A dictionary explains words and an encyclopedia explains facts. 11. This is the CD-ROM edition of the encyclopedia. 12. The new edition of the encyclopedia embodies many improvements. 13. The encyclopedia is well indexed. 14. An encyclopedia covers many subjects. 15. He was turning over pages of an encyclopedia. 16. This is the second impression of the encyclopedia. 17. The encyclopedia is available on CD-ROM. 18. An encyclopedia embraces a great number of subjects. 19. I bought the encyclopedia on a whim. 20. A good encyclopedia is a mine of information. 21. Geoff is a walking encyclopedia. He knows about everything. 22. I have looked it up in the encyclopedia. 23. The Encyclopedia of Gardening is a companion volume to the Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers. 24. The encyclopedia is a huge work, running to 20 volumes. 25. The encyclopedia sits on my shelf at home, gathering dust. 26. They get a 10% commission on every encyclopedia they sell. 27. The Encyclopedia is packed with clear illustrations and over 250 recipes. 28. The encyclopedia will shortly be out in a revised edition. 29. This is a fine book; a worthy addition to the Cambridge Encyclopedia series. 30. They have brought out an abridged edition of the encyclopedia.