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61. There are 24 volumes of an encyclopedia on a bookshelf. 62. Reference point for kanji and song title translations are from the Utena Encyclopedia. 63. The book of and so on of network address encyclopedia. 64. Medicaid also denied us help because I earned too much from teaching and part - time encyclopedia sales. 65. Therefore scientific classification should be adopted according to The Encyclopedia, Classification of Chinese Libraries and The Subject Classification of the Sports Science System. 66. In other words, there are 100 topics in this book. It is not exaggerative for you to regard the book as an encyclopedia on conversations. 67. Many people assume that the only prerequisites for translating are a bilingual dictionary , an exhaustive encyclopedia, and an ability to speak and write two languages. 68. Schmitthoff, Cheng Jiarui. Clive M. Schmitthoff's select essays on international trade law. Beijing. Encyclopedia of China Publishing House. 69. Did you know that Hawkes is a walking encyclopedia of tidbit information? 70. Most of his professional life had been spent unremarkably, teaching history in universities and compiling a 74-part encyclopedia of China. 71. You can contribute biographical information for The Jim Cifelli New York Nonet to Wikipedia, the user-contributed encyclopedia. 72. Condorcet was an important representative figure of the French in the later stage of the Enlightenment, and he was considered as the last person who had embodied encyclopedia spirit. 73. Wikip e dia , the free inside podia encyclopedia th at anyone can add it edit, is the best known wiki. 74. Virtual Encyclopedia of Sex is an erotic computer game that is been developed by Artmunk Games in cooperation with Playgirl. 75. OK, so the brain is a bit more complex than Encyclopedia Brown's nemesis, Bugs Meany. 76. Why did you put the volumes of the encyclopedia in haphazard order? 77. Encyclopedia of Industrial Biotechnology, Bioprocess, Bioseparation, and Cell Technology , 7 Volume Set. 78. This encyclopedia is crammed with information about everything under the sun. 79. To help in the conceptual aspect of the search, the students could have used knowledge tools such as an encyclopedia and lexicographic aids. 80. An eminent musicologist, mathematician and calendarist, who was honored to be "oriental personage of artistic encyclopedia type". 81. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, offers an overview of Computational linguistics and context-free grammars with, as always, good links to more information about both. 82. He saved his carfares and went without lunch until he had enough money to buy an encyclopedia of American biography - and then he did an unheard-of thing. 83. A: Can I check this (book/ encyclopedia / audiotape) out? 84. Even the pride of South Florida, Encyclopedia Brown, was able to solve his cases with little more than a casebook, his trusty sneakers and a wide variety of miscellaneous factoids. 85. The scholarly know-it-all is a walking encyclopedia on programming. He can spend hours passionately discussing the history of a programming language or dissecting imperfect code. 86. Encyclopedia Of South American Aquatic Insects: Hemiptera - Heteroptera: Illustrated Keys to Known Families, Genera, and Species in South America. 87. Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines - Molecular Structures, Pharmacological Activities, Natural Sources and Applications: Vol. 1: Isolated Compounds A-C. 88. Bible of Game Theory, an encyclopedia of the wisdom of humankind! 89. Cereal song earth: Fictitious tellurion software, be together satellitic picture, map, encyclopedia and flight simulator conformity, decorate in an earth on three-dimensional model. 90. Amelia Earhart seemed so brave and gay, her smile so cheerful and fearless, in the one picture in the little encyclopedia entry I found of her, that only she could be my namesake.