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61. He can be very amusing, you know. 62. This was amusing early in our marriage. 63. It even contains amusing anecdotes from other golfers. 64. Noland offers an amusing peek at 40 exciting junkets. 65. Nevertheless, she is delightfully forthright, alert and amusing. 66. Blake glimpsed the looking glass behind the bar and saw what they found amusing. 67. And he found the realization somewhat amusing, now that he was alone again. 68. But wherever they had gone, she had been the perfect companion: enthusiastic, amusing and loving. 69. Some would come in racing silks, or T-shirts with amusing messages, or in clown outfits. 70. It's a very amusing book if read in small doses. 71. The most amusing thing about the period of my engagement to Karen was the degree of role reversal involved. 72. This light-hearted banter was amusing, but she mustn't let it get out of hand. 73. And then he told him clever, amusing stories about the women that he himself had loved. 74. They found him amusing, and he reveled in the attention. 75. The bantering between Mr and Mrs Kim-Soon must have been amusing. 76. We're all salesmen then, armed with brochures, videos and amusing anecdotes. 77. The Independent On Sunday, for example, found Coleridge's fine table manners hugely amusing. 78. She was picking his brain, but apparently he found it quite amusing. 79. For example it has a good story, exciting in parts, amusing in parts and with some memorably drawn characters. 80. He was popular and outgoing; he was intelligent; he was an amusing talker. 81. Lady Monmouth was amusing and clever, and seemed to like Dorian Gray very much. 82. And I defy any of you to think of an amusing sign-off joke involving Nick Cave and badminton. 83. In fact, he was very much the resident funny man in what was already a very amusing show indeed. 84. Russell Keys was, by all accounts, a clever, amusing man with manageable mental problems. 85. She's probably upset because her boyfriend doesn't want to go out with her on account of her amusing adenoidal accent. 86. Evelyn Laye then made a speech herself, and was most amusing. 87. Massive spamming has turned what was an amusing annoyance into a lucrative business that profits by violating the pre-commercial Internet ethic. 88. Always self-deprecating and modest, he fought bravely a long struggle against cancer, remaining cheerful and full of amusing unrepeatable anecdotes. 89. The other goal in that match is quite amusing as well when he chips the goalie. 90. When dealing with only a few dollars, these kind of interactions can be more amusing than annoying.