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1. They consider globalization to be the root of all evil. 2. We must take advantage of the increased globalization of the commodity trading business. 3. Trends toward the globalization of industry have dramatically affected food production in California. 4. Heard all about the globalization of finance? 5. A further set of issues contributing significantly to globalization concerns the environment. 6. While it is significant as a response to globalization, increased co-operation, is not necessarily indicative of integration. 7. In other words, the whole idea of globalization was a canard. 8. Globalization is the overarching process, linked in different ways to both integration and fragmentation. 9. While liberal pluralist models best conceptualize the globalization process, no model is adequate. 10. Globalization has been characterized as the overarching global political process. 11. Globalization often means that poorer countries become too dependent on foreign investment, with the result that their own development suffers. 12. Globalization started well before the end of the cold war, of course. 13. One result of globalization is the exposure of management inadequacies that have long lain hidden. 14. Globalization has brought very little real benefit to developing countries. 15. Neo-Marxists emphasize the globalization of capitalist production and the associated creation of a global division of labour. 16. We are now coming to see that economic globalization has come at a heavy price. 17. The globalization of all things electronic is still far from complete; and many early examples of electrical revolution existed 100 years ago. 18. Globalization does bring the death of distance, through the consolidation of markets and the use of modern communications and transportation. 19. Globalization can often lead to the destruction of local customs and cultures. 20. Thanks to globalization, the burger you buy in Moscow is exactly the same as the one you buy in New York. 21. The implication of this line of reasoning is that globalization of capital is destructive. 22. Liberal approaches to modernization are closely linked to economic globalization. 23. Gorbachev also was quick to admit that the process of globalization played a major role in cracking open the closed Soviet society. 24. The incentive of central banks to protect the interest of creditors has been increased by the globalization of the financial markets. 25. The history of capitalism has beena history of the globalization of production. 26. For instance, most of our business schools talk a good game when it comes to globalization. 27. Some see the spread of English as an international language as just another consequence of globalization. 28. If the street protesters want to fight poverty, they should be celebrating globalization, not attacking it. 29. Clinton offered no new measures to restore confidence in globalization and open trade. 30. Ever since the age of discovery, the history of capitalism has been a history of the globalization of production.