快好知 kuaihz

31, Craig Larman is a strong proponent of using the RUP in a lightweight manner. 32, He was the successor to Eusebius as bishop of Caesarea and a proponent of his predecessor's subordinationist theology. 33, Not surprisingly, China's central bank is the main internal proponent of reform. 34, Mr. Wen often talks about democracy but is not a proponent of Western - style democratic reforms. 35, For instance, John Ruskin, a leading nineteenth-century Tory Radical and a proponent of handicrafts, declaimed against "ilth, " a negative version of wealth produced by manufacturing. 36, Jinn, a proponent of the living Force over the more serene unifying Force, had long been a maverick in the eyes of the Jedi Council. 37, A fervent , sometimes militant supporter or proponent of a party , cause , faction , person , or idea. 38, Derek is a proponent of wildlife corridors that offer elephants safe passage between parks. 39, Brian Greene is perhaps the best-known proponent of superstring theory, the idea that minuscule strands of energy vibrating in 11 dimensions create every particle and force in the universe. 40, Proponent threaten of the dead is met later appeal masses holds meeting, put forward to protest.