快好知 kuaihz

31. They've come up with a new advertising slogan for the product. 32. Later it became the slogan of those struggling for equal justice for all. 33. Minutes before, a collapsible set had been constructed behind them, a Lib Dem slogan Velcroed carefully in place. 34. The Liberal Democrats, in apparent decline, were in the meantime searching for a more catchy slogan. 35. That was the Save the Children slogan last year, and £5m. was raised and a great many lives were saved. 36. Taken at face value, the most natural meaning of this slogan is that the body has nothing to do with sin. 37. The union's slogan informs you that it is concerned with servicing the needs of today's musicians. 38. He used the line long before it became a bumper-sticker slogan. 39. His lips trembled, and he felt strangely compelled to shout a defiant slogan. 40. Back to Tradition was the slogan, and if that included subordinating women, so be it. 41. If we could follow the slogan that says,"Turn off the TV and open a good book" we would do something of substance for a future generation.Gordon B. Hinckley 42. Advertising Copy: title, text, and slogan. 43. 'service with a smile " is the store's slogan. 44. My slogan is " I care. ". 45. He concluded his speech with a slogan. 46. Slogan : Patching love, kind-heartedness that warmth people's heart. 47. Chinese creation is clangorous slogan from the orient. 48. It is a horribly defeatist slogan. 49. The city government has raised the slogan of "Safe is luckiness , love and environment". 50. However, construction enterprises of our country took this leitmotiv only as a slogan before 1990"s, and manage in a rude way." 51. His slogan as a Socialist in the shadow of the Mitterrand years was the freedom to invent! 52. The unbelievers will say they are but words, but a slogan, but a flamboyant phrase. 53. " And your friend actually shouted a slogan, Su - su! 54. Speaking in the holy city of Mashhad Saturday, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the United States is using "the slogan of change, " but that he sees no real change in U. S. policy toward Iran. 55. The slogan of convening a political consultative conference was put forward Comrade Mao Tse - tung. 56. Indonesia's latest campaign to lure tourists got off to a rocky start after embarrassed officials acknowledged that a key slogan was ungrammatical and ordered it corrected. 57. Such radical engineering philosophy was reduced to a slogan: Fast, cheap and out of control. 58. This slogan expresses the military equalitarianism which accompanies military adventurism. 59. Punters trading in their old underwear will get a five-euro (seven-dollar) discount on a new pair, the advert promises, under the slogan: "The country needs new undies." 60. Communist Party of China putted forward the slogan " fight for the speech, publish, freedom of assembly" in its first resolve after establishment.