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61. My subconscious looking back a, only thing, they hurry-scurry, are against each other, in front of the row, in the back of the said, action extremely abhorrent, more no leaders shout slogan. 62. After John Tyler earned the vice presidency on the strength of a campaign slogan that tacked him on as an postscript — "Tippecanoe and Tyler too" — his fate as a historical footnote seemed likely. 63. The slogan is 'One World One Dream', the same for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad. 64. Their slogan was: " The Party secretary pitches in and all Party members help run the co - ops. " 65. Rivlin made the mistake of saying sunnily to Clinton, "I have a slogan for your re-election. 66. Slogan: With gourd pyrography and a warm heart, Beijing people welcome you. 67. "Long live the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution!" says the slogan on the flag that features the profile of the late Chinese leader Mao Zedong. 68. Slogan: Inherit tradition; show our talent; pyrography welcomes the Olympics. 69. A slogan displayed by the couple on their house hinted at wider concerns. 70. I stared at the unrequested folder for some time, thinking of Orwell, and trying to imagine what ghastly school of business management Newspeak must have spawned the slogan. 71. This strategy helps them avoid head-to-head competition with global giants ("Don't dance where the elephants play" is a favourite Mittelstand slogan). 72. Leader: members: 3, diligent aspirant group slogan: have a heart, to advance the success! 73. "Zero" was a catchier slogan than the arcane incrementalism that had come to characterise old-time arms control. 74. Also new is the stick figure walking up the left side of the pyramid to match the guide's slogan: "Steps to a healthier you." 75. Our slogan : Enrich your enterprise image with color, Raise your enterprise value with quality! 76. During the campaign, Sheikh Hasina pushed the fashionable slogan of " change " 77. Quxian Elettric Company Loudly raises the slogan"Seize the opportunity, Practise internal Capacity and strive for development" based on their own conditions. 78. Plenty of people came from further afield, like the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India, with a Delphic slogan: “We would rather sweat in peace than bleed in war. 79. The slogan crier saw the dog and frog jump and fro in the fog. 79.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 80. As the Party slogan put it:'Proles and animals are free.'. 81. But the Occupy Wall Street protest, which has been burgeoning in dozens of other American locales, may gain traction with its slogan, "We are the 99%, " says Lichtenstein. 82. Not complete, scientific system of military regulations, military law can only be a slogan. 83. "A passport to a brighter future": it sounds like a worn-out advertising slogan, but for once the cliche has substance. 84. This paper discussed patient-oriented. It should be a requirement of medical morality to hospitals and their workers, but it should not just be a propagandistic slogan or promises to patients. 85. The Olympic motto or slogan, one of the purposes of Olympic movement. 86. Self - determination is but a slogan if the future holds no hope. 87. If you later wanted part of the text in the slogan div to be graphical, and another part—say a sub-title or elaboration—to remain normal text, you could surround just the hidden text within a span. 88. Years ago I lived in the "Peach State" of Georgia, and I grew up in New Mexico, whose slogan is "Land of Enchantment." 89. The English translation of the slogan is distinctive in sentence structure. 90. Marchers in the western city of Fallujah and Bakuba north of Baghdad chanted slogan alleging election fraud and bad called by Sunni Arab groups for the poll to be rerun.