快好知 kuaihz

61. Male speaker he was a brave man and his swift action prevented further damage. 62. Mary's Brownie training had helped to make and keep her wide awake, and her swift action saved her. 63. Named after Schwarzenegger for his terminating exploits, the big, strong tabby fell to an unseen swift car bumper blow. 64. Any sailor would tell you a swift inrush of water to the mouth and nose makes you speedily lose consciousness. 65. While, at a superficial level, the titles might well mislead, a swift glance at the contents is reassuring. 66. Instead, he was more like a man trying to down a couple of swift pints before closing time. 67. I had an operation on the appendix, swift and sudden. 68. It is a timely reminder of when justice was swift and permanent. 69. But the threat of the old section of the course has meant some swift action to deal with a worsening plight. 70. Once countries have joined the global information economy, their development may be swift. 71. In my garden it has made a swift transition from weed to wild flower to flower. 72. These must be done with swift strokes, as if you were drawing a cartoon rather than painting in oil. 73. He turned on the engine with a swift, disgusted motion. 74. Would her body betray her and fight to preserve its fleeing spirit, causing lingering agony instead of swift and final oblivion? 75. This just produces a swift blood sugar surge which rapidly declines - a solid breakfast which releases energy slowly is far better. 76. They slew the gentle musician, tearing him limb from limb, and flung the severed head into the swift river Hebrus. 77. He added that if swift action was taken, new legislation could be in place by the end of the parliamentary session. 78. The tern is swift, turning tightly among the flock to avoid the pirate. 79. It would mean delaying her own departure, when she wanted the break to be swift and clean. 80. Larger and rather more uniformly dark than Little Swift, and with a markedly narrower white rump and distinctly forked tail. 81. Complexity is also a feature of those real-life markets in which convergence also is neither swift nor automatic. 82. It may take hours to get it started, a fair amount of cursing and a few swift kicks. 83. Feeling his swift arousal, she dragged her mouth from his to bury it against his warm neck. 84. The recent rain made the little stream passable and the water was very swift, shallow and rocky. 85. His calls for tougher sentences for repeat offenders and swift deportation of illegal immigrants score well in opinion polls. 86. On the evening of 20 November the Prime Minister's swift decision to fight on plunged the Conservatives into almost total disarray. 87. Her shift vanished in one swift movement, but in her husband's arms she felt no embarrassment. 88. A similarly high proportion end in a swift judgment because the defendant is in default or has no real defence. 89. A swift wartime courtship, a deep passionate love of a few weeks, then marriage, separation and death. 90. It's swift and easy acceleration-60 in fractionally under 10 seconds and creamy smooth all the way to the red line.