快好知 kuaihz

(1) He tacitly admitted that the government had breached regulations. (2) He had tacitly sanctioned repression against the opposition parties. (3) It was tacitly assumed that he would be promoted at the end of the year. (4) For example, it may become tacitly accepted practice in a market exactly to match the price changes of the largest firm. (5) Morris's captaincy potential has been tacitly, but very publicly condemned by his own club. (6) And by accepting it, the believer tacitly ignores the complex social mechanisms which uphold the mistaken logic. (7) I don't share that optimism: the break, tacitly threatened over recent years, has been made. (8) Tacitly or explicitly, these beliefs provide your organization with guidelines and criteria for measuring success. (9) It was tacitly assumed that such activities were for grown-ups only. (10) Business began to wind down as men tacitly awaited the new regime. (11) The fiction of the cab had been tacitly abandoned. (12) Sam understands tacitly . He hoists his cup saying. (13) Magda heard him out, smiled tacitly with peasant slyness. (14) The president has tacitly recognised the problem. (15) But days, weeks, months, elapsed. Jean Valjean had tacitly accepted Cosette's tacit consent. She regretted it. It was too late. (16) Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang combined tacitly and they become leaders Community of the political and military group. (17) I am only following the rules, and society tacitly approves this practice. (18) They are tacitly expected to work 10 hours a day. (19) It had been tacitly understood beforehand that she was get work and pay her board. (20) In later versions of the natural rate hypothesis, Friedman was tacitly to abandon this view altogether. (21) As with non-co-operative playing of the one-shot game, the tacitly collusive equilibrium still requires information. (22) Until now the judiciary have expressed their views about the tariff period, tacitly if not expressly, in confidence. (23) That the ethics of prevention trials is often a resource driven argument is tacitly assumed but rarely explicitly stated. (24) These criticisms of family law express beliefs about law which are tacitly underpinned by legal theory. (25) The Comintern expressed righteous indignation at such an attack, although eighteen months later it tacitly accepted all these points. (26) When we were alone together, we were rather shy with each other, tacitly agreeing to abandon the stand-up routine. (27) However this may be, it is plain that the district judge must have tacitly rejected the argument. (28) For example, Navarro believes that piracy and counterfeiting are tacitly supported by the Chinese government. (29) If the government takes over a bank, the taxpayers tacitly acquire its assets, thereby inheriting all the uncertainties over valuation. (30) It was in the same spirit that he had tacitly assented to Fitzpiers's domiciliation there.